Editor - 28

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Username-- IMNorwood

I. M. Norwood (screen name)


How many chapters will you edit?

As many as you want, from one to all.

Preferred Genre?

Fantasy and Realistic Fiction, but I will do any and all.

How can you help me to improve?

I can help with spelling, grammar, vocabulary, plot, character development, etc. and I can try other ways too if needed.


I don't require anything other than at least mentioning somewhere that I edited the story, though reading and commenting my stories would be nice. A follow or a recommendation would be cool too I guess.

How do you work?

Google docs is my preferred method, but if that doesn't work I'll talk it over with the writer. I like to hash a lot of things out with the writer as we go.

Any specific request?

I'd ask that the stories I edit be around PG-13 and lower, and yeah. Also please remember I am a real person and I have a life so you might have to be patient with me at times. Also, It'd be easiest to reach me by PM but through comments works too.


Send me a PM


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