The Dude & The Beauty Series 1 : The Dude & The Ordinary Girl (One Shot)

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I couldn't help sighing as I helped myself on to the chair keeping one hand on the armrest and the other on my protruding tummy. I was a little tired already even though I had rested the whole day but I couldn't let him realize that I was tired, then just as quickly as I had come in, I would be ushered out. After getting comfortable I looked around to see my old classmates. I was seeing them after 10 years and everyone was looking different. Some of them wave at me and I wave back at them happily. Some are even surprised to see my current state and I smile happily. I felt the baby kick. 7... no was it 8? Why can't I seem to keep the count? The baby's movements were very few and it worried us a little. But the doctor has said that as long I feel the baby move at least 10 times a day, it was fine. After waiting for 2 long years we were blessed with this baby. Why is it taking him so long to park the car? I wondered as I turned around to look for him. The moment I turned to look at the entrance he walked in and unknowingly my face lit up with a smile. His eyes started scanning the crowd and I waved at him, he spots me and nods at me as he walked towards me. "RK!" I heard someone call him. It was Sultan, he stops to talk to Sultan and Priya. He gestures them to walk and they started walking towards me. When they reached me he was stopped by a voice. "Hey RK!" Dipali comes towards him smiling happily. "Hey Dips! Long time." RK says smiling at her. "Long long time! You never bothered to keep in touch." Dipali tells him shaking her head. We had kept in touch with only Sultan and Mukund after leaving college. Sultan and Mukund were RK's best friends since college. They were surprised when RK had invited them for our wedding four years ago. I still feel that Mukund find it hard to believe that we are married. I chuckle; even I find it hard to believe it at times. Specially after coming here in the midst of our old classmates realizing how poles apart he and I were in college. "So how is life?" I heard RK ask her. "Life is great. What about you?" "Never better. Your husband is here?" RK asks her smiling at her. "Not married yet. Still waiting for you." Dipali says whether she was joking or not, I had no idea but RK was taking it as a joke as he laughed out loud. "What about you? Did you find your Mrs. Right?" "Yup." RK says happily. "Wow! Is she here? I would love to meet the girl who made you say bye-bye to your Casanova life." Dipali says making him and me grin. He was never a Casanova, he just gave the image of one. "You know her." RK says as he looked at me and I smile at him then turn to look at Dipali. She was looking at me with a frown and I realize that she didn't recognize me and I was not surprised, I was never popular in college. I didn't even interact with much people, always busy with my books and studies. "Madhubala." I tell her and the moment I said my name realization dawns on her. "Madhubala?" Dipali asks shocked. "You married her?" "Yes." RK says grinning. "I am surprised you are here, Madhu." Sultan says smiling. "Even me." I reply grinning cheekily at my husband. "He gets into your nerves... huh?" Sultan asks me chuckling. "I am going to maintain a dignified silence." I reply making him laugh out loud while RK rolls his eyes at me. "First time I am hearing her say such a long line." Priya says amazed making me smile at her. After seeing Sultan with RK for the last four years, I was comfortable with Sultan but with others I go silent, happy to remain an observer. "I think it is about to start. Let's sit." RK says and sits on the seat next to mine while everyone else took their seats. I felt another kick. "You alright, love?" RK asks me concerned. "Yeah. Baby kicked twice. So what is the count now?" "9. One more." RK tells me a little worried. "There is still time." I tell him smiling. "Yeah." He sighs. "She is like you, the silent observer. But I just wished she wouldn't wait the whole day to kick 10 times." "Or he could be like you trying to keep everyone on their toes." I reply. "Yeah she could be like that too." RK replies stressing on she, it was one of the few things we fought on, something which was not even in our control I thought chuckling. He turns to smile at me making me wonder yet again if he could hear my thoughts. "I didn't think so many would turn out." RK says amazed. "I knew. Now aren't you happy that we came?" "I would have been happier if we had stayed at home and you would have rested." "I rested the whole day and yesterday too so I could come here today." I tell him frowning. He sighs dramatically, "We'll leave the instance you feel tired." I nod in reply and I turn to watch the stage as one by one few of our classmates talked about their life and how things had changed. "Now I would like to call upon stage, the most popular guy, the college heartthrob our very own Rishabh Kundra aka RK." Adhesh announces and everyone starts clapping making me remember how very popular RK was in college. "Sultan, sit with her." RK tells him as he got up and Sultan quickly moves to the seat RK just vacated. As RK walked away Sultan and I shared a laugh at his worry over me.  

Rishabala : Two Shot : The Dude & The Beauty SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now