The Dude & The Beauty Series 2 : The Beauty & The Admirer (One Shot)

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Here is the other side of the The Dude & The Ordinary Girl for you all... It's from RK's POV.

People who haven't read The Dude & The Ordinary Girl, I suggest you read that first because you might have difficultly following this story otherwise.

Few things:

All of Madhu-RK scenes are the same from The Dude & The Ordinary Girl, but from RK's perspective.

It was getting very long, so I feel I rushed at the end, sorry for that.

Finally, I am a girl so I have no idea how a male brain works... so please forgive me if it doesn't feel real

I ran beside the stretcher watching her helplessly scream in pain. Every time she screamed I felt as if someone was squeezing my heart. My whole life revolved around her and she was in pain because of me. "RK!" she gasps as she clutched her stomach. "I am here, Madhu... I am here." I tell her trying to act brave and calm. "Everything is going to be fine." I tell her. "I am scared, RK." Madhu whispers. "I am here, Madhu. Nothing will happen to you or our baby." I reassure her though all the while I prayed for God's mercy. Without her by my side, I couldn't even breath. Seeing that we reached the labor room I quickly hold her hand and kisses her on her fist, she was clutching my hand. "I love you, Madhu. And you are going to be fine." I stood there watching as they wheeled her into the labor room. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turns to look at the man who apart from Madhu understood the depth of my love for Madhu, Shamsher Malik, Madhu's father and my friend. "She is going to be fine." he tells me smiling. "It is going to be cesarean." I tell him helplessly. "I know... it is going to be fine. C-section means it will be over in no time." He tells me to calm me. I nod and pray for my Madhu.  

Finally it was over and the doctor had declared that Madhu and baby were safe and sound. As I stood with our family a nurse brought our baby. Swallowing hard I walked towards the nurse, I wanted to cry in relief and laugh in joy seeing the tiny bundle on her arms. As pure happiness filled my heart completely I looked at our baby. She hands me the baby and I took my baby in my hands for the first time and suddenly everyone was with me looking at our little miracle. As I looked at the baby a happy sob escaped my throat and I laugh in joy. I think because of the noise I made the baby opened its eyes and our eyes locked for the first time, and looking into someone's eyes for the second time in my life I fell in love. 

Twelve years ago my life was different. I was different. I was carefree and lived by my rules. Everyone used to bow down to me. Girls used to flock around me while the guys used to worship me. I was the college heartthrob RK. Every girl in college was crazy about me and I was shamelessly proud of it. It's been one month since college started and I as usual was late to reach college. I sauntered to my class ignoring all the girls eyeing me. Though I enjoyed it, I never showed it. Anyway I walk into my class and that is the first time I saw her in my life or maybe I might have seen her before, I never remembered the girls' faces that much. I stopped as I watched her sitting in my seat. Then I slowly walked towards her and kept looking at her, waiting for her to look up at me. She seemed to be busy reading some novel, after waiting for a minute I realized she was not going to look up. Sighing loudly I drop my books on the desk and she looks up at me in shock.  

Then the strangest thing happened, she didn't ogle at me, she didn't drool, she was not a puddle at my feet. She just kept looking at me curiously. I was shocked though I didn't show it. She was waiting for me to say something!!! I was flabbergasted... here was Rishabh Kundra in front of her and she was giving me curious looks! As if it was not a big deal! Maybe she is blind but then she is reading. Hmmm maybe she is short sighted or long sighted? What was that, that couldn't see up-close? "May I help you?" she asked me curiously. She can see me! And she is not sighing or jumping up and down that I was looking at her! What has happened to the world? "You need something?" she asks again. "This is my seat." I tell her. "Oh!" she says as she grabbed her things. "Sorry I didn't know." She sounded disappointed. Then she looked around to find both the other back benches occupied, finally sighing she moves to the bench in front of mine and settles there. 

Rishabala : Two Shot : The Dude & The Beauty SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now