Love story 2050

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Thank all the people for reading my story will be making a way better one soon!

{Chapter 1 Begins}

Once upon a time, far far away in downtown Abby, lived a young fascinating well know scientist for discovering new inventions and creating antidotes, Rohit. His latest invention was the sunlight glass, with the help of magnifying glasses and the power of the sun creating a magical click of the plant to grow. He had a small family of 3, him his son and son's wife. On the other side was Karl who was not an ordinary boy, he was specialized with hand power but never got an answer to this question. As Karl grew up he also became a scientist but one who creates virus which would harm people. For making viruses and spreading them across, he had mutants who helped him in this.

As Karl has been born on a wheelchair he couldn't do much of physical movement but had a very "powerful" mental skill and effect that he could use to destroy things and most importantly control objects and the environment his way. This virus had been effected on various countries and cities making this a benefit of profit to Karl in his success list.

~Chapter 1 ends~

{Chapter 2 Begins}

Krish works in an ordinary restaurant and there was something very unique which no-one had except him. This was powers to fly and being the hero of the city.(people's adored pet) He liked to care about the world of people and their importance of life, but one thing was sure, no one knew who his real identity was except his family. A plane carrying about 250 people's life had been at risk as the plane's wheels were not functioning well. This job could only been done by the one and only Krish! And there he did it, saved the 250 people's life and the plane from malfunctioning. These small issues were very common but getting into a serious ones could also be his cup of tea but would he be able to handle the pain of lives. continue to read on.. sorry if you guys are getting bored. Everyone adorned and praised him for his unbelievable effort. That evening, this news had passed on worldwide and Karl was not very happy on seeing it, so decided to finally launch the extreme poisonous virus in the city where he was living, and see how well Krish can save more than 1 million people's life and handle their pain now!!!

[Karl, "Hahahha"]

~Chapter 2 ends~

{Chapter 3 Begins}

Krish was unbelievable and could do possibly everything, but he could never be defeated which was a good thing at once. Now that Karl had no option left with he said "Kaya you are the only one who can change identity to other people, so you must go to Delhi where Krish lives and you must become his Priya and bring the real Priya to me". "You must also be careful and make sure that nobdy suspects you."

So off she went to Delhi to take their revenge. It all started good but went on annoying and made Kaya feel guilty about anyone getting to know her plan which would cause chaos. While Rohit and Krish were in the factory making the anti-dote, Kaya had been at home trying to find a way of knowing how the anti-dote is being made. An idea came up to her head,''I will have to convince Krish somehow for the anti-dote". Meanwhile a member of Karl's group had been shocked with injection and as soon as Kaya entered the door the mutant woke up as he had a signal attached to her, so Kaya had to act quickly before Krish starts to suspect the link between Kaya and the mutant.

That night when they reached home, Kaya started asking questions about how the anti-dote was made? " Papa how is the anti-dote made? Rohit said," hey Priya don't ask too many questions and it's already late I think you should sleep now, goodnight!"But by asking too many at once Krish had a feeling and said,"Wait dad, don't answer at all or anytime, because she is not Priya''. By Krishna saying that Priya thought that he knew everything but he said," Dad you forgot that she is a journalist and has the habit to ask questions", so feew Kaya was saved at that moment and went to upstairs to sleep with Krish. Once she reached the room she started again with her series of questions but soon that moment turned romantic and had their goodnight kiss! Kaya was in love!

~Chapter 3 ends~

{Chapter 4 Begins}

Kaya was in LOVE! She was in big trouble as when these things happen the plan turns flop. Every second she was thinking about love and how that kiss felt! Oh no, day by day these things were going on in her head but I had to make a decision said Kaya," I will have to continue the mission on which I have come for", but I cannot kill him yet. After a night Rohit had a meeting in Singapore and so had to leave early next morning. He told Priya before going to bed,"dear don't forget to pass on this message to Krishna ok."

~Chapter 4 ends~

{Chapter 5 Begins}

Priya wanted to pass it on but just let it go and went to bed with a guilty face. Next day had arrived and Rohit had left thinking that Krishna already new about it. Few minutes later Krishna woke up and left for work. On his way to work a phone call came, it was his dad and answered, "Hello where are you didn't even tell me!" " I thought Priya would have told you that I am leaving to Singapore for a meeting" said Rohit with a weird feeling". After hanging up the phone, Krish had an idea of basically the entire plan of Priya. Suddenly he also realized that Kaya had replaced Priya in her place and that Priya had been kidnapped. Rushed home in the avatar of Krish and tangled Kaya's neck saying" I know that you are not my Priya, and have done a very big mistake. " Wait your Priya", she then found out that the one she had fell in love with was Krish the hero! Surended her self and with a sorry face said " I'm really sorry, to repent on my mistake I will help find your Priya.

~Chapter 5 ends~

{Chapter 6 Begins}

Off they went to find Priya but that moment Karl found out that Kaya had back stabbed him by taking Krish's side. He became very furious and with a rage of anger asked his other agents to get Rohit here too, as he had know that from the dangerous virus being around only he and his family could survive it, meaning linked blood cells.

As soon as Rohit reached his factory he took him in the lab and asked him question thinking it was an interview.

After being satisfied with Rohit's answers he finally got an answer to his question that Rohit was actually his dad and he was his son. With great confidence Rohit said,"no! Krishna is only my son and I only had 1 so it's not possible that you can be my son." Karl found the answer anyway at last so quickly took him to the model room and made himself change his body to walk on legs, leaving Rohit on a wheelchair. Soon enough enters Kaya and Krish getting shocked that his dad is suddenly on a wheelchair.

~Chapter 6 ends~

{Chapter 7 Begins}

Oh oh! Rohit on a wheel chair like before, continue reading!!

"What happened to you, are you alright." Yes my son I'm alright, but my Priya is not so you better hurry to save her before Karl plans to get dressed in his metal costume." As swiftly as he can he runs into Karl's cabin and sees him dressed into a metal uniform and asks, "what is this, why, just stop." "Get the hell out of my way and let me proceed in my excellent plan of mine which nearly got ruined by you!" Trying to think quick Krish first gets his dad secured in a safe place and runs to defeat Karl. "Kaya stop all your mutants, in the meantime I will stop Karl, HURRY!! On and on their battle continue but at last there was only and only one way to take this to an end! Krishna had remembered the miracle pen and said, If I put this on Karl then maybe the metal may start melting, yes I'm so so smart. Runs to get the pen and places it on the ground near some rocks. pen starts activating and starts to show miracle on the metal. " What is this, no it can't happen no!!!!!!!. I will definitely get you back for this Krish!

~Chapter 7 ends~

{Chapter 8 Begins}

Aha finally at last, this battle finishes and goes to save his darling Priya. I'm so sorry that I didn't even notice it happening, forgive me! "Its ok Krishna, ouch ouch ouch!!!!! My baby my baby, hurry take me to the hosp...

Runs and runs calls the car and flees to the hospital. And there we go we have another heir with powers hahaha.

After all the bad and good times, the Mehra family again live happily ever after! sorry if this was a bit too boring for you but I really wanted to make a story like this!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2014 ⏰

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