Chapter One [edited]

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"Aris?" Phoenix walked into her room, his face bore a worried expression. "Have you seen Joker around lately?"

Aris looked up at him from the game she was playing on her phone and let out a sigh. "Took you a while to notice."

Phoenix let his hand fall to the side, dropping from his pocket. "What?"


"Whew! Tonight was so easy! I didn't even have to break a sweat!" Joker exclaimed proudly, making his way to the exit of the building. Just as he placed a hand onto the door, a voice called out from behind him.

"Wait! You're Jack Jones, aren't you?"

Joker turned around to face the owner of the voice, keeping the treasure behind his back. He shot an unpleasant look at the man. The wind must've been strong outside, given that it managed to push open the giant doors of the building. A few stray gusts seeped through the crack in between the two doors, dusting Joker's cape forward.

"I have something to tell you!" The man says, brushing a hand through his hair. He was smiling, and it wasn't a good kinda of smile. "Do you remember your parents? More specifically, how they died?"

Joker froze in place. Parents? "Where is this going...?"

How dare this man think he has the right to speak about his parents like he knows exactly who they are?

"They died in a plane accident." Joker answers, keeping his tone low, "A few years ago, their plane went of course and the engine malfunctioned, they crashed and were never found."

The man laughs, what kind of self absorbed asshole— "

"Well guess what kid!" The man exclaimed, showing off his mothers hat and his fathers' tie. "You were lied to!" He tosses the articles of clothing to the floor and lets them slide closer to Joker, "There was no plane malfunction. Don't you think it's suspicious that a jet specifically made to transport two very important people would just, stop working out of nowhere?"

Joker definitely didn't like how condescending the man's tone was, and that smile was getting a little too creepy. He wanted out, now.

"The plane was hijacked, kid." The man says, finally. "And I was one of the people that helped hijack it."

The treasure was forgotten all too quickly. It wasn't that valuable anyway, just something Joker stumbled across, also it was red. Joker stared, trying to keep an even face. Should he show any kind of reaction, he knows the man will use it against him.

"What? Got nothing to say?" The man stands up straight and brushes his hands together, "No reaction? You finally know how your parents actually died and you don't want to say anything?"

"Shut up." Joker demands, "It isn't true."

"Aw, there he is!" The man laughs, clutching his side. "Don't you remember what you kept saying when you were still a kid?" The man continued on, "They're liars! All of them! It isn't true!" He mocked Joker, speaking in a high pitched voice.

Joker physically felt his chest tighten, his knees grew heavy and he felt his eyes water. No! Stop that. Don't cry! Don't let him get to you!

"Aw, is little Jack gonna cry?"

Joker whipped out his deck of cards, anger and revenge were the only things on his mind. And the worst part, it seems he's forgotten the most important rule of being a phantom thief.

"A phantom thief doesn't kill people."

"I'm going to make you regret ever telling me that." Joker mumbled, raising up four of his best cards, angling them towards the man. "Royal Straight Flash!"

The cards emitted a blinding light, the man fell back, trying to shield his eyes, despite the distance between them, "Shuffle shoot!" He pinned the man to the wall, who was still trying to recover from his momentary blindness.

"Emblem fire!" The cards were set ablaze, they circled Joker as he began to levitate upwards. "I'll teach you a lesson you'll never... ever forget..."

"Flying explosion!" The cards surrounding Joker flew out and towards the man, exploding everywhere near him. Just like a soldier triggering twenty land mines in a battle field all at once.

"Final shooting star!" Joker growled, tossing the card at the man, but before it could cut his throat, a hand stopped it.

Who was that?

"Master?!" Joker yelled, his voice shrouded with shock and a tint of anger. Silver Heart had stopped the card mid air using his staff, he landed on the ground and walked towards Joker and returned the card that now had a hole.

"Joker... I can't believe you almost disobeyed me..." Silver Heart whispered, putting a hand to Joker's cheek and giving him a patient look of pity.

Joker tried to contain his anger, his fists were clenched, he took deep breathes, closing his eyes as his shaking calmed down, so did his anger. He opened his eyes that had a dull shine in them, he fell silent before speaking again.

"He isn't telling the truth... right, master?"

His voice was ever so soft and full of worry, and the slightest tone of hope that the man was indeed speaking with lies. Silver Heart looked down at his pupil, his mouth was slightly open as his mind was processing what to speak...

But nothing was ever said.

Joker's broken expression shifted to one of rage and betrayal, his pupils thinned and he let out a growl, shoving his master aside and running straight for the evil man' heart. His trump card in his hand and his feet speeding across the floor.

If his plan were to succeed, the man's heart would blow up and he would surely be dead afterwards. Joker let out a yell, just as he was about to pierce the card into the man's chest, Silver Heart grabbed his cape and pulled him back and tossed him at the wall, purposely knocking him out cold, but if you looked closely,

Tears were still running down his eyes.


Phoenix was left stuttering, practically speechless as Aris told the story of what had happened.  "He hasn't been himself since then.  It must be shit." She set down her phone to show the sincerity of her comment. "He spends most of his time in his room now, he doesn't wanna get out."

The small green life form jumped into the room, sensing Phoenix's anguish and pity for Joker, he purred against Phoenix and had a sad look in his eyes.

"What are we gonna do?"


Let's go lesbians. I'm gonna edit this shit uwu
I finally posted this but the cover is still a WIP so lol yeah

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