Chapter Two [edited]

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"It's been two whole months since we've last seen Phantom Thief Joker out in public!" DJ Peacock announced through the tv, "There have been sightings of his getaway blimp, the Sky Joker, but not of the phantom thief himself."

"Could the mysterious phantom thief finally run out of treasures to steal or maybe—"

Akai shut down the tv and threw the remote aside,  Aris looked up at him in confusion. "I was watching,  bird shit." She shot him a glare, which he returned back tenfold.

"Joker's name and reputation are on the line. If we don't do something soon, people are gonna start calling him a coward and Joker is the most reckless human being that has the self preservation of a walnut and—"

"Okay, Jesus! Wait."

"My name is not Jesus."

Aris let out a sigh and pressed to fingers to her right temple, ideas swimming around in her mind. She wants to help, she truly does, but trying to help without the right experience is bound to make things a whole lot worse. Her thoughts was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. At first she assumed it was just Akai, but upon turning she found an even more familiar face.

"Lark? Wh— How did you, y'know, get in?" Aris asked pulled a very confused expression, obviously surprised to see the girl dressed in purple. Akai saw her approach from the other room, he thinks it was the kitchen. He has seen her face before, so he didn't register Lark as a threat, but other than her name and face? He knows nothing else.

"I came here to grab some snacks from Joker's fridge. Spade's fridge has like zero carbs and I wanted something that had actual sustenance." Lark waved her hand around, then sighed. "But I walked in just in time to hear you two talk about Joker?" She removed the hand from Aris' shoulder and circled the couch, sitting next to Aris. "Is it safe for me to assume that you know the cause of his disappearance?"

"Spade didn't tell you?"

"He doesn't know either."

Aris' lips folded into a straight line. "Well, we do know."

"Oh, do tell, but," Lark brought out a phone from her pocket. It was one of those vintage looking flip phones and Aris furrowed her eyebrows because that was not Lark's phone. "Before that."

"Bonjour, fuckers."

Akai didn't recognize this voice, but he has heard it before, he just didn't care to remember. Coming through the door that didn't lead to the kitchen was a fairly tall guy sporting a black jacket. He wandered over to the couch after giving Akai a small nod, to which Akai couldn't find a way to respond.


"Lark invited me." Matt answers, "We were supposed to raid Joker's fridge to see if he would finally show himself."

"I would've done that too." Aris admits, "But I don't think it would work." Aris scoots a little further from the armrest to provide space for Matt, "C'mere, we were just talking."

Matt obliges and takes a seat, finding a comfy spot on the couch.

"So, Joker." Aris starts off quietly,  "Two months ago, while he was on a heist, he ran into some asswipe that told him about his parents' death and you guys know how Joker hates talking about his parents." She glares at nothing in particular, clearly ticked off,  "And like, okay— it's really messed up because Joker gets all mad and he tries to kill to guy, but to be fair I'd do that to!"

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