the meeting

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Marcy in the picture

I looked out the window hearing the rain beating heavily on it.The clouds were dark and grey and no sun even dared to peek through.I curled up on my bunk bed and rested my head on the window." Marcy we're gonna be late for breakfast hurry up" Skylar practically shouted at me." Can't you just bring me some breakfast?" I whined." Dude the head mistress said that she has an important announcement" skylar pulled me off the bed by my feet."Skylar what the shit is wrong with you!"I said while rubbing my head from the fall."Oops" she said in an innocent voice. I rolled my eyes and got up from the floor."You're so dead!" I screamed. "You can kill me later I'm starving" skylar grabbed my hand and pulled me out of our bedroom door. I was about to protest when I realised that I'm hungry too.

I guess you could say that skylar is my best friend. Actually she is my only friend. Since I was found by the headmistress when I was five years old, Skye has been the only girl that actually understood me. She was more popular than I was but for some reason she found that I was an "interesting person" as she says. She was the only person in the whole campus who made me feel like I still had family.

I frowned at the thought of my family. How could I miss people who I don't even know. They died when I was a baby, but it hurts knowing that I don't have any family.

The headmistress found me when I was five. She found me in an orphanage and took me in. I'm guessing it's because she knew that I was special. I was an immortal.

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