Merry Easter

156 11 16

I drew a bunny


Have good egg day


Please no criticism unless it is a long term thing that you notice I repeatedly do throughout all of my drawings. I already know that there are many things off about this drawing and I do not plan to go in and fix them. I would rather continue with a new drawing and avoid the mistakes. This drawing was only done for today and it was done quickly, I didn't even outline it I just colored the sketch which I usually never do. I know that there are mistakes on the hands, arms, and face. I get it and I don't need an avalanche of comments to make me feel like shit. You guys do realize that receiving more complaints than praises makes you feel like a shitty artist, right? In fact, could you please only give criticism when I ask for it from now on? I am weak child and I have crippling self esteem issues. I need to build myself up before I can receive criticism without getting upset and depressed. After last time, I became scared to post any more art because I was afraid of the criticism it might receive and I fell into a mini depression because, as I said, I am a weak child.

So yeh :000

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