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I was starting to feel extremely claustrophobia in this toilet cubicle and just wanted to get out. Jack was taking a while but I'm sure he'll be here soon because even though we aren't really on speaking terms right now I still trust him and know he'll be here.

As if on cue I could here Jacks deep raspy voice outside. "Haolie you in there?".

"Yeah! Oh god Jack please get me out" I yelled so he could here me.

Suddenly the door busy open and Jack stands there and I quickly jump into his strong and muscular arms. God I missed this feeling.

"Haolie are you crying?" He asks concerned. I pull away slightly and feel a tear run down my cheek. I nod. "Why were you in there that long?" He laughs but my face doesn't show any expression. He rubs my arm affectionately, "Hey what's wrong?"

"I miss you. God I've been so lonely without you Jack. I should have trusted you and instead I just let Madison get to me. I miss this. Us. I miss it so much Jack. You probably don't feel the same but-"

Then he kisses me. He kisses me like we never have kisses before and it feels so good. His lips on mine. They just fit together perfectly. He pulls away and cups my face with our foreheads touching.

"God I love you" he whispers which makes my stomach do flips.

"I love you too" I smile and I peck his lips again.

After a few minutes of recovering we walk back near the main stage where Justin Bieber is performing let me love you. All our friends are dancing along and singing in chorus. Stassie sees use and winks at me and at the same time Johnson does to Jack.

"You don't fancy getting out of here do you?" Jacks whispers in my ear over the booming music.

"Yeah ok" I smile and we wave over to the group before leaving the festival.

We jump in Jacks jeep and drive a few miles before he pulls up by a diner. "Come on this place has the best milkshakes" jacks grins and grabs my hand as we leave the car and walk in.

This please isn't too crowded by it's not deserted either. We slide into a booth and order a chocolate milkshake to share. Cliché I know.

Jack grabs my hand from across the table and rubs it gently. "How long has it been?"

"Nearly three months" I say almost too sadly that tears are threatening to spill again.

"But hey look we're here now and I love you, you know that and we just need to forget about the past and move on. Together."

" yeah" I smile and he kisses my hands lovingly which makes me blush and burst out in laughter at the same time.

Our milkshake arrives and jack quickly snatches it before I can get to it and drinks nearly the whole thing. He glances up to me and smiles then pushes over to me.

"Oh geez thanks" I sarcastically laugh. As I take a sip from the straw I catch Jack staring me out causing me to look up at him and furrow my brows. "What?"

"Nothing. You're just beautiful and I'm so lucky to have you".

"Woah do t get all cheesy on me Gilinsky" I chuckle and he shakes his head.

" well I just wanted to make sure you know how much I've missed you and how much I love you".

"I missed you too you goofball" I say and flick some cream at him then it lands on his nose.

We both spend an hour or so sitting in the diner before we pay for the milkshake and leave. We get back in the car and Girl at Coachella by Matoma and MAGIC! begins to play and instantly both me and Jack sing along at the top of our voices.

I look over at Jack as he's singing widely with a hug smile plastered on his face. His hands tap on the steering wheel rapidly and his head is bobbing up and down. His eyes are bright and his expression glowing. His eyebrows which are ligit goals move up and down as the words leave is soft lips. Looking at him now I know in his usual happy, soft, gentle and amazing ways that I am deeply in love with Jack Gilinsky.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter because it's the only actually writing kind of chapter I've done and seeming as it's the 100 chapter it had to be special. There's only a couple more chapters left. But don't worry there will be an epilogue and maybe a sequel? What do you guys think? 😊💕

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