Death isn''t Peaceful - Chapter 2

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As usual Maggie went first, she was the adventurous one out of the two of us. I was the one who normally had to hold her back, tell her something wasn't a good idea, try to change her mind.

I didn't mind now though, the guilty part of me knew i was only letting her go first so she could test if it was safe, i ignored it though.

Maggie climbed onto the swing still grinning like a fool, fourteen going on four as usual.

"Gimme a push Elle, lets see how far it'll go" she yelled. I stepped forward and gave her back a hard shove, the rope creaked a bit but after a few swings it was fine. Maggie squealed with delight as the swing went further and further over the pool of water.

"Careful Maggs! Don't break it!" I shouted, slightly on edge. Eventually the rope came to a squeaky stop though and Maggie hopped of, her cheeks were flushed red.

"Yes Mum, you worry too much Elle, let go a bit, it's way more fun" Maggie said with a smirk as she held out the swing to me. This was a  challenge, i could tell by the look on her face. She probably was right but i was usually worrying about her, trying to make sure she wasn't getting hurt or in trouble.

Something deep within me bubbled up, anger rose to the surface and bubbled over. "Fine, I'll 'let go'," i said, mimicking her voice while snatching the swing out her hand. She stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest still grinning away while i climbed onto the swing.

I kicked off my black shiny shoes that were now not so shiny after our trek through the woods, (another thing to thank Maggie for). I let the sun seep into my toes and warm me through, i closed my eyes and tried to shut out the world. I pushed of from the ground and felt the rope creak slightly, i ignored it and pushed higher this time. I felt the wind whip through my auburn hair, pushing it away from my face that i angled up towards the sky.

With each breath i pushed the swing higher and higher, i sensed the twinkling water below, so warm and inviting now after the sun had come out. I loved this feeling of being free, all worries vanished completely, i thought of Maggie, taunting me, making fun even.

One thought formed in my mind 'I'll show her' before i jumped of the swing. Those few seconds that i was actually in the air seemed to stretch on and on. My mind completely cleared of all thoughts, all my eyes registered was the bright, blinding blur of the sun.

Then 'BAM' i felt my body make contact with the water. The previously blue water turned a muggy red before my eyes. I could feel pain and lots of it. I'd come back to reality after the amazing high and time had gone back to normal, and it hurt.

My mind didn't have time to comprehend what had happened because a second later everything went black.

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