Chapter 13- I OWN YOU

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Maddy's Pov-

"I knew you would see sense in the end, I always win." Moriarty clucked.

"Well I didn't really have much of a choice did I?" I said to him with an attitude.

"Hm, I suppose not." He laughed.

"So what exactly did you want me to join you for? What am I even supposed to be doing?" I asked him.

"Well, Sherlock's got a pet. So why can't I? Anyway besides the company you are a big asset to me, I can use you in so many ways. To start off with I'm going to have you call Sherlock and inform him that you are joining me and that you never actually cared about him at all it was just that you needed somewhere to stay so you thought that he would be easy to win over, which he indeed was." Moriarty laughed.

"No, I'm not doing that! Why would I?" I shouted at him.

"Well you are going to do that because otherwise I will have John shot, dead. Anyway, you work for me now. I own you." Moriarty smirked.

I sat there in silence I really can't believe Moriarty, why is this happening? I know I am joining him so that he won't kill me, but more importantly Sherlock, but I know that he is forever more going to be blackmailing me into doing things. I'm starting to think whether joining him is even worth it, I mean he is still continuing on with his plan to 'burn the heart out' of Sherlock by using me. You know what, the end result will be the same no matter whether I join Moriarty or not. Sherlock is going to die and  I would rather die with Sherlock than having to live out the rest of my life without him. I've only just met him, we've got so much to talk about and to do. I think he would be proud of me sticking to my guns and refusing to join Moriarty. 

"You know what I've changed my mind, why would I ever join you? You don't and will never own me." I snapped.

"Well I suppose it doesn't really matter if you join me or not, you WILL break Sherlock's heart." Moriarty told me.

"Oh yeah, you can't make me do anything!" I shouted at him.

"And there's Miss Feisty back again, I do love it. You are correct, I could have issues forcing you to do things but that doesn't matter." Moriarty countered.

"And why's that then?" I questioned him.

"Because what you've got coming you won't be able to hold back your emotions, so therefore you will let them all out; fear, vulnerability, pain... and you won't be able to stop yourself. Oh and the best part of all of this is that Sherlock is going to see all of it!" Moriarty announced.

"What do you mean, what I've got coming?" I asked concerned.

"All in good time dearest Madeline, all will be revealed soon." Moriarty teased whilst summoning a few of his workers to come into the room.

I heard a couple of pairs of footsteps behind me and the door opening.

"I'm guessing our conversation is over then?" I asked Moriarty.

"For now" Moriarty smirked.

With that one of the men had sneaked up behind me, he was now holding, firmly, a cloth similar to the one before, over my nose and mouth so I was forced to inhale it. Shortly after I started to feel light headed, lucky I was sat down otherwise I would have fallen over, and my eyes were being weighed down, they felt so heavy it was a big struggle to hold them even half open. Through all of this Moriarty just sat there opposite me smirking, he then picked up his phone and called someone.

"Is everything set up? WELL HURRY IT UP THEN! If this is wrong then I will find you and I will S-K-I-N you, got that?" Moriarty shouted down the phone.

That was the last thing that I happened to be conscious for, as shortly after inhaling the drug on the cloth I was made to breathe in I was slipping away quickly into unconsciousness. I couldn't do anything about it, why do they have to keep drugging me though? What do these guys have against people being conscious?

I was feeling so frustrated, I was creeping into an unconscious state which isn't good. I can't prevent anything from happening to me while I am unconscious, I mean I can't really when I am conscious but at least I can try. I have now also came to the conclusion that there isn't anything I can do to save Sherlock but I can try! I've got to fight and stay strong for him because whatever Moriarty's got coming for me I will have to endure it and try to hide my emotions from Sherlock because he is going to be watching whatever Moriarty is going to do to me so if I break down then so will Sherlock. So I've got to try and stay strong for his sake.

John's Pov


I haven't seen Sherlock since he stormed off from Battersea Power Station which, naturally, made me worry. What was he doing? Where was he? Ever since I got back to the flat after returning from the power station I haven't left just incase Sherlock returned. I can tell he must be in a bad state but he shouldn't be alone. He needs us; me, Mrs Hudson, Lestrade, Molly even Mycroft. We need to be here for him, even if he doesn't realise he needs us.

I was sat in my chair, as per usual, drinking a cup of tea. Just sitting there, thinking. When I heard the front door of 221B slam shut. I heard someone walk up the stairs and I turned to the door to see Sherlock standing there, to my surprise he didn't seem drunk or under the influence of drugs which is a good sign. I stood up, putting my cup down.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" I yelled at him.

"Devon." He stated walking over to his chair and sitting down with a sigh of relief.

"What do you mean Devon? People don't find out there daughter is being held captive by the World's most dangerous criminal and just pop down to Devon!! Why did you go there for?" I shouted questioning him in my rant.

"I was on a case, I needed something to take my mind off this. I needed to clear my head. Nice murder case though, did just the trick. It gave me time to calm down and think about this and to plan what should be done about it." Sherlock stated, raising his hands into a temple under his chin.

"Well that's good then." I said.

"Yes." Sherlock stated.

"Yes it is so while you were on a nice case down in Devon, we've all been sitting here worrying about you and what's going to happen to Maddy." I said frustrated.

"Ugh, look John it was necessary. I couldn't think straight and now I can. Everything's going to be alright. I'm back on the case and Maddy is coming home." Sherlock responded.

"So what's going on then?" I asked eagerly.

"Well I am expecting something relatively soon, don't think it should be too long. Then when it arrived and is addressed we can take it from there." Sherlock informed.

"What are you waiting for? What needs to be addressed when it arrived?" I questioned him.

Sherlock closed his eyes, he was going into his mind palace. Great! I was looking for some answers but it's clear that I'm not going to get them any time soon.

"Sherlock? Ugh, fine then!" I grunted, going back to my chair and continued drinking my tea.

I really do hope for Maddy's sake that Sherlock is thinking straight and he's got a plan. Who knows how she's being treated or if she's being hurt. Sherlock had better get her home fast, not only for her sake but for his own sanity.

Thanks to everybody reading, can't believe I've had over 700 reads! How is everyone finding the story? Would love to hear your thoughts, as always!

PineHoultBatch x 

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