stone heart

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Stone heart




Deep dark clouds with thunderstorms always seem to be envelope the big black castle with no signs of ever submitting to the sun’s rays to come through. Doom and gloom was an understatement. As a pair of glowing silver eyes staired into the darkness. He was the thing parents told their children about to scare them. The Boogeyman of the darkness. It sat quite nicely actually. Nobody bothered them…..If anybody could find them anyway. They are a small community consisting of handfull of purebred Garlycon warriors,human men and women. For centuries they guarded the human world from the evils of the night. Never complaining,never alone and always in peak health ready for battle. But as the decades went by their numbers dwindled. For without mates for their males their is no offspring to carry the next generation of guardians. The males grew bitter and hateful.

But as we all know for every action their is a reaction and for every harp there's a string to make beautiful music. Every face hides a story and all is not as it seems. That is a truth Ava Williams was about to find out. No one is truelly alone in this world. Accidents happen and sometimes it's not always as horrible as one imagines.

Chapter 1

Ava was tired. Her body ached from head to toe. They have been running and walking for days. She was fed up living in fear,they all were.

“James get your ass up here,this no time to rest” Tara yelled from the top of the hill.

“I'm damned tired,Tara, give me break okay?” James shouted back.

They were as close as family. Their caretaker Miss La reu was a striking woman with hard features to boot. Always in long,dark flowing garments that came up to her neck making sure everything was covered. She saved them 12 years ago from a testing laboratory in the deep jungle of the Philippines. They been on the run ever since. Ava along with 3 others escaped with her and travelled country to country over the years trying to stay under the radar…...But they always seem to find them….

They were three girls and one boy fleeing with a women that looked like someone that came out of Harry Potter book.

As they reached the top of the hill a beautiful castle came into view. It was their only chance to get to safety. It was pouring rain and everytime thunder struck it felt as though the earth trembled.

“Everyone here?” Miss La reu asked hastily.

“Yes” each voice came out breathlessly

“Let's move. See that? That's where we are going”. Miss La reu said.

Ava's shoulderblades hurt as they always did for most her life for a reason nobody dared talk about. She wiped her hair out of her face that always seem to get in the way. They were way to long but always grew to certain length fast and stayed that way. She hated being covered in mud and dirt. Her neatly black pencil dress slit was ripped right up to hip from climbing. She worked hard to make a life for herself,strong and determined. At 26 she was well set to be an attorney and very happy with her life. Nobody dared tell she could not achieve anything. She fought hard not only for herself but for her sisters and brother she considered family since their escape.

As they got closer to dark building they approached a big creepy gate that reminded her something form the midevil ages. All they could is stare at it. It was huge. Lileanne was the first to take a step towards it,her movements gracefull as the Fenneco fox she is spliced with. The gate easily crooked open. An eerie sound along with the thunder and rain pouring down. They carefully went through the gate. So far so good was the thought that struck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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