Morty Smith has entered the chatroom

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-Morty meets reader in a chatroom :>-

-2nd POV-

Right now, you couldn't think about what to do. You were in fact grounded, which meant you couldn't watch T.V or use your electronics, except for your phone. Your mother said to use the phone for emergencies, and only for emergencies. But who cares? You were going to use your phone for whatever reason you want it to be. You decided to go on ChatStep, and made your own chatroom. 

Morty Smith has entered the chatroom

That was strange, who was this Morty Smith anyway? Strangely, that name sounded so familiar. But you just shrugged it off. You have also recieved a message from this stranger. What does he want?

Morty Smith: hhi!

You: Hello :P

Morty Smith: wwow! I didnn't think tthere would be ssomeone in here!

You: Well, now you know

Morty Smith: haha yeah :)

You both had chat for a while, but you realized that you enjoyed the stranger's company. And you both noticed that he went to the same school as you did, if he went to the same school as you. How come he hadn't met you before? You wondered how he would look like? Not a 50 year old, you hope not. All these questions had flooded your mind, until a vibration that came from your phone snapped you out of your thoughts.

Morty Smith: doo you have a ccrush on anybody?

You stared at the bubble text. No, of course not. You haven't had your eye on someone for a while.

You: Not that I know of, no.

Morty Smith: ooh, well I have a crush on a girl named JJessica, man. She iss bbeautiful. I'm   hoping onee day I can ask heer out.

Wanting to cut off the subject, you thought it was your turn to ask a question. 

You: Hey, Morty? Can you show me how you look like? :O

Your cheeks slowly heated up at the though of how he might look like. Who knows? He might be cute.

Morty Smith: yyeah sure just give me a ssec.

Morty Smith has uploaded a picture

Morty Smith has uploaded a picture

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You stared at the photo of him. 

Morty Smith: ii took this when i first joined Snapchaat.

You: Oh, that explained the hearts xD

Morty: yeahh it doess :)

Morty Smith: have ii told yyou that i have a crazy scientist ggrandpa? 

You: You haven't spoke about him..

Morty Smith: imma show u what he looks like

Morty Smith has uploaded a picture

Morty Smith has uploaded a picture

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Morty Smith: ii took this now. On Snaapchat of course :)

You: Why Snapchat?

Morty Smith: i feel liike it'ss easier to use Snapchat for photos..

Morty Smith: ANYWAY, can u show me hhow u look like? :D

You: Uhh.. okay wait brb. 

You have uploaded a picture

Morty Smith: nice! :))) i like your room lol.

You: Ty ;)

Hours beyond hours have passed. You start to gain crush on him you didn't know why but you knew one thing for sure, he was cute as fuck. You learned interesting more things about him and his family, especially his grandfather.His crazy adventures with him, but this one time he said that he was about to got raped by a pedophile named Mr JellyBean. His grandfather (Rick) had blew him up after that incident. You thought you two would become instant best friends.

Morty Smith is typing...

Morty Smith: ii have to go to bed :((

You: awwhhh, talk to you tomorrow :<

Morty Smith: yeah i had fun talking with u :D

Morty Smith: goodnight (Y/N)! Love u 

You: Wait what?

Morty Smith has left the chatroom

"But he just met me today..." you said but shrugged it off. As you turned off your phone and went to bed.

-Art does not belong to me credits go to ttoba check them out! Their art is amazing!-

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