I Thought That Randy The Soc Is My Father Chapter 9

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I never knew who my real father was. I was walking to see Darry at his work, I was being followed by a blue mustang. I had my headphones in listening to music. Two guys walked next to me. One was Randy, the other was Bob. Bob pulled his switch blade out on me. Randy held me still.

I started to scream, "HELP! HELP ANYONE PLEASE!" Darry's work wasn't to far from where we were. Two cars pulled up but the weren't Socs or Greasers. The head leader told them, "HEY, LET HER GO! I MEAN IT BOB AND RANDY!" They let me go. I had blood going down my neck. He helped me up, he told me, "Hey, ur ok. I'm Tim Shepherd. What's ur name sweetheart?" Told him, "Name's Artic. Thank​ u for helping me out there." I wrote my phone number down on a piece of paper. I handed it to him.

I kepted walking to Darry's work. I pulled a piece of cloth out of my back pocket. I put it to the small gash on my neck. I held it there till I got to Darry's work. I walked up to the front door. At the front desk was Two-bit, he asked me, "What happened to u? U got cut on ur neck!" I told him, "Bob and Randy came after me. Tim Shepherd saved my life."

Two-bit yelled, "Yo Darry come here! It's Artic!" He came out from the back. I had my hood up listening to music. He came up to me, he kneeled down to see the small gash. Two-bit told him what happened. My phone started to buzz. I picked it up.

Me: Hello?
Tim Shepherd: Hey, are u sure that u are ok? I saw u shaking on ur way.
Me: yeah I'm fine. I'm with Darry, my mate.
Tim Shepherd: ok see u around
Me: ok see u 'round

Darry asked me, "Who was that?" I answered him, "Tim Shepherd, he is the one who saved me from being killed." He took me to the back. He got a first aid kit, he pulled my hood down. I lifted my head so he could get to the small gash. At that time, he was about to put stiches in.

When Dally came running through the door, he told us, "Tim Shepherd is going to kill me!" I got up, I went out front to see Tim Shepherd coming with his gang. He saw me with Dally behind me. He told me, "Step out of the way!" "No! I won't let u hurt my mate's best friend! Back down before I shot!" I had my hand on my gun.

He noticed, he backed down. Dally thanked me for what I did. After Darry got off work, I was asleep on the couch. He took me to his car. I woke up in his bed. I went to stretch, I ran to hand over the gash. It had stiches in it. I went downstairs, I had my headphones in still.

I went out front, I was heading to the park. I saw Tim Shepherd. He told me, "I know that I helped u out but I have to tell u that Randy the Soc. He's ur father. He told me yesterday, when he saw u. He didn't know what to do when he saw u." I ran back to Darry's house.

I went out back. My horses were in their stalls. I was up against the house by the gate. I was crying, I heard the blue mustang pull up to Darry's house. I turned into my lion. I went through the gate. I looked around the corner to see Randy. He knocked on the door. Darty opened the door. He was talking to him, I heard him say, "Hey, I know that I'm the last thing that I would want to see but I need to talk to Artic." Darry let him the house.

I heard the sound of a gun click. I ran in the house to see Dally with a gun to Randy's head. I jumped on his hand. I bit down down he dropped the gun. I grabbed it handing to Pony. I shifted into my human form. Before Randy could talk I told him, "Why? Why come to talk to me now? Tim Shepherd already told me that ur my farther."

I had tears running down my face, Randy tried to hug me but I ran out of the house. I ran towards the Soc's side. I got cut off by the rest of Randy's gang. They circled me a couple of times. When Randy came up in his car, he told the rest, "Guys this is Artic, my daughter. The one I keep talking about." I look at him, with tear still running down my face.

I told him, "GET AWAY FROM FROM ME!" I ran to Darry's work. When I got there, Darry was locking the doors. I ran to the back door. I slept there till morning. I was sleeping in Darry's office. I heard the door unlock. I rolled onto my back.

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