Chapter 11: I wanna Know

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Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!  Sorry its been so long since I updated. I've been busy,  and I hooe you guys enjoy this chapter.  I also want thank you guys to know,  that I'm SO grateful for the 1.5K + reads. It means a lot for me! So heres Chapter 11. ~ R5_1Ds_Angle ~

Riker's pov :

We get home, and I put Peyton in bed. As I leave her room,  Ratliff comes up to me. "I think on my birthday,  we should open the letter from Peyton's parents. I mean it would be a surprise for her. My mom has already agrees to tell me who my younger sister is. Will opening the letter then work?" He asks. "Yep, sounds perfect." I say, as we head downstairs.

I sit down next to Ross, who is playing on his phone. "10 more days until Ratliff's birthday. He's growing up." Ross says before he starts to fake cry, into my shoulder. I shove him off. "I'm tired. I'm heading up." Ratliff says. "Night!" "I'm gonna go with him, so he won't es drop." "I'm gonna go and sleep with Peyton.  Night. " He says before running upstairs,  and into his or Peyton's room. I hear a door upstairs close. "Okay. He's in someone's room. What are we going to do for his birthday?"  I ask. "We through him a surprise party. " Ross says. We all agree.  "Guys, he also wants to open the letter from Peyton's parents.... I think that's the right time. Who agrees?" I ask. Everyone agrees, and we take the letter from its hiding place. "She really wants to know. She'll do anything to get her tiny little hands on it." Ryland says. I hold the letter in my hands. "I'm gonna find out now. I need to know if she's gonna leave us. " I say. "We all need to know." Ross says. I carefully open the letter. We all hold our breath as I pull everything out; a locket, the letter, and her birth certificate.

"Open it." Ryland says. I un-fold the letter. The hand writing looked familiar. It really doesn't matter right now. I start to read it.

"Dear Peyton,
Its your real mom here. Goddess no I'm not dead. That was my twin sister. She protected until I could find the guts to tell your older brother. Which I was never able to.

So now I'm guessing that you want to know, who your older brother is.  I'll give you some hints. He's 21, he's in a band, he has 5 best friends, he has a crush on a girl, and he's famous . Any ideas? Peyton you're older bother is........................................................................................."

"Whoa..... I did not see that coming." I say. "See what coming?" "Ross asks. "Did you guys not read?" "No, we wanted to wait til Ratliff's birthday. " Rocky says. "I know who his younger sister is. And its gonna shock you guys." I say. "Who is he?" Peyton asks. "Pey, I thought I put you in bed." I say. "You did. I was coming with Ratliff to get some water." She says. "Yeah. You read the letter?!?!" He asks. "I had to. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have." "I forgive you." He says. "Can you please tell me?" Peyton asks, sitting on my right knee. "Nope.. Its a sercert.  But he's closer than you think he is." I say. Peyton starts to pout. "I wanna know!" She yells. "You will know soon!" I say back. "Riker! Please!" "Princess, it hurts me not to tell you. But together soon, we'll open the letter and find out to together. Okay?" I ask. She sighs. "Okay." "You need to go and get some sleep. I'm taking you and Ross shopping for Ellington's birthday." Rydel says. "Can I come?" "No." Rydel snaps at Ratliff. "Come on Princess." Ratliff says, holding his hand out. She hugs me, and slides off my knee. "Peyton Rose R- Lynch give me the letter back." I say. "Who's last name where you going to say before Lynch?" She asks placing the letter in my hands. "No one's. Now, go." I say before kissing her head. "Okay." She says, before walking over to Ratliff, who picks her up.

Ratliff's pov:

I pick Peyton up, and carry her into the kitchen. Once in there, I set her on the counter. I open our cup cupboard,  and pull out her pink water bottle, and my black one. "Who's last name do you Riker was going to say?" She asks. "Pey. I honestly don't know." I say. She smiles, and grabs her water bottle.  "Here. Let me see it I say." I say. She hands it over to me. I fill both bottles with ice, and then water. When I'm done, I hand Peyton her's. She takes a sip. "Can you hold mine?" I ask. She nods her head, and takes it from me. I lift her up, and carry her towards  the stairs.

When we get upstairs, I set Peyton on my bed. Something spooked her, and she didn't want to sleep in there. As she lands on the bed, she grabs Rocky. I chuckle,  and get under the covers. She crawls under, and snuggles into my chest. "Ratliff, what if you're my older brother?" She asks.  "I don't know." I say. She doesn't say anything else,  because she was fast asleep. "Night Peyton." I say, before falling asleep my self.

So... did you guys enjoy. I had a fun time writing this chapter. Til next stay hyper. ~R5's Angle ~


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