Chapter 9- Hickys cause pain, and so does seperation.

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Naruto and Sasuke both blinked at my sudden outburst, I glared daggers at the blond while rubbing my sore cheek. "That fucken hurt! What happened when I said that what ever happens to me will happen to Sasuke and what ever happens to Sasuke will happen to me?! Huh?!" I narrowed my eyes at the still frozen jinchuuriki, "Bastard..." I muttered under my breath.

I turned to Sasuke abruptly, "And you! No matter how pissed I am at Naruto, he is completely right! I don't care if this chain proves that your the real Sasuke cause your obviously not the real Sasuke!"

The Uchiha glared at Naruto and I, "What the hell do you mean Miho! It's obvious that I'm the real Sasuke!"

"No your not!" I shouted back stubbornly.

"That's right!" Naruto shouted, "The real Sasuke would never be such a coward like you! What makes you think that if we gave him the scroll that he'll let us go free huh?! He can just kill us for the scroll anyways!"

There was a dark chuckly behind us, I sighed and swore under my breath. "Thanks for giving ideas to the pedophile idiot!"

"Naruto-kun is right," Orochimaru said. My eye twitched, again with the '-kun' thing. "If I can just kill you and take the scroll..." We all watched as he bit his thumb, drawing blood and wiped it on his arm that looked like it had a seal on it. My eyes widened as I recognized the justu.

"Shut up!" Naruto shouted lunging like a feral animal at the member of Kiss.

"No Naruto!" I shouted as my fear shot up the scale, but it was too late. By time my words had reached Naruto -not that he would've listened to them anyways- Orochimaru had already muttered "Summoning no justu!", in a gust of wind I watched with horror as a giant snake appeared beneath the Snake Sannin. It was more then twice the size of the snakes before, and it gave off a more deadly aura. Fudge. A. Duck.

The blast of air sent the air-born Naruto off course as he began to fall, in one swift and blinding move the giant creature had already swatted the boy aside like some insignificant bug. Naruto flew up into the air, destroying several large tree branches in his wake and eventually hit a extremely large and dense tree branch that stopped his movement. I covered my mouth, suppressing a horrified gasp when Naruto coughed up a bunch of blood -seriously, I noticed that anime characters can like lose more than 6 quarts of blood and still be alive, isn't that like impossible?

I couldn't help the sting of tears at the back of my eyes as I watched Naruto's frail form fall from the branch as he hurdled towards the ground. To my utter surprise and shock despite the many times I've watched this episode -seriously, why do I keep getting so surprised all the fucken time?- Naruto's eyes snapped open, the usual happy-go-luck sky blue pupils gone, having been replaced by a sinister and harsh red that seemed to radiate hatred and chaos.

The snake beneath Naruto that was just about to eat him received a deadly punch from the pissed off blond, I watched as the snake's head bent into a unnatural shape as the force of Naruto's blow sent the creature towards the ground. So this was the power of the nine tailed fox... It's very differen't experiencing this in real life rather than watching it on the screen. On TV it was awesome to watch, here it was harsh, scary, it wasn't amusing or awesome at all. This was life or death.

Orochimaru seemed to notice that Naruto was the nine tailed fox too, because a knowing look appeared on his face -and by knowing, it probably means he's thinking of all the ways to molest the fox boy. What a creeper- as he blew a large gust of wind at Naruto sending him fly towards another branch.

"Damnit!" I shouted. "Sasuke, we have to go fucken help! And damnit, if he dies I'll have no one to eat ramen with and tease about never meeting a unicorn! Cause unicorns are fucken awesome and if you've never met one before you deserve to be teased about it! FUCK!"

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