pt 2

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I rub my temple as Bella parks her car since it was drawing a lot of attention and god forbid I ever wanted that
I got out the truck wincing as all eyes either grew wide or narrowed most of the girls were looking at me with narrowed eyes and clenched jaws as their boyfriends stared at me from beside them we then walked towards the school some brave ones say hi which I simply waved one kid looked like he was about to faint when I waved at him Bella tugs me along the hallways looking for a room When a guy comes up to us

"you're Isabella and Audrey swan hi I'm Eric the eyes and ears of this place anything you need tour guide lunch date shoulder to cry on"he rambles I smiled

"Eric" I gasped he looks at me a smile finally etching into his face see this isn't my first time at forks high I was here freshman year and me Eric Angela mike and Jessica were the best of friends he pulls me into a hug

"Where have you been?" He asked I shrugged

"I moved and now I'm back" I said he turns to Bella

"I'm kind of the suffer in silence type" she says

"Good headline for your feature I'm on the paper and you're news baby front page" he says if there's anything us swan's hate it's attention and being on the front page of anything will draw attention Bella starts to freak out

"'m not news....i'm seriously not at all"she says

"It's okay he gets it calm down bells" I said to her shaking her shoulder lightly

"Would you mind just pointing her to Mr varners class?" I asked him he nods leading her away as I rushed to my class I hesitantly stepped inside

"Welcome back ms swan how nice of you to finally join us since you missed the first 15 minutes" the teacher says I rolled my eyes before handing Mrs Campbell my paper before going to the only empty seat the girl was pale and skinny almost pixie like

"You'll be working in teams today your partner is seated next to you" Mrs Campbell further explains the girl turns to me with golden eyes

"Hi I'm Alice" she greets in a cheery voice I smiled

"Aubrey" I said

"We're gonna be best friends" she says
When we went home that day I wasn't surprised when I saw Jake in my room but what did surprise me was that he was reaching for my scrapbook I reached it first holding it against my chest tightly

"Jake?what are you doing in my room?"I asked he smiled

"what? I can't just come see my favorite girl?"he asked see moments like these melt my heart

"I guess not"I said laughing lightly I put a lock on scrapbook before setting it down I sat down beside Jacob

"Is Bella single?" He asked
Oh hell no
Today we were in gym I wore shorts and and a long sleeved white shirt I watched as Bella tried to stay away from the volleyball like superman tried to stay away from kryptonite as Jessica the captain motivates the team unfortunately the ball heads towards Bella I rushed towards her to smack the ball but she closes her eyes flailing at it smacking it it flies off the court hitting mike upside the head

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