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I sold my soul to a three-piece and he told me I was holy,
He's got me down on both knees.
"Dance with her." Matt tried to encourage as he saw the way the two looked upon each other and he saw how Octavia blushed a bright red before turning away,
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, she's married to the man who invited us here. The one who's probably behind all of these 'animal' attacks" the youngest Salvator brother, Stefan, warned. Tyler however didn't listen to Stefan's warning instead for the next hour or so he watched the girl, he saw the way she was held tightly to his side and wouldn't speak a word. The man to whom she was married to, Tyler had noticed, spent the night laughing and flirting with other women right in front of her to which Tyler couldn't tell if she cared or not.
Finally at eleven o'clock the couple were talking with Damon, who was trying to seem innocent and befriend the new towns member so that he could suss out what it was exactly he was doing here.
"Hold on." He cut Damon off as he flicked his hand in the air and soon a small women in shabby clothing appeared by his side.
What everyone else took as an advantage was Andrew knew not about the fact that these particular attenders were a group of vampires and a hybrid.
But Tyler took this as a chance to listen in on what he whispered to the women.
"Alexandria, escort Octavia to her room." He turned to Octavia and began to whisper again,
"Do as Alexandria says or your punishment will be explicable. Do not exit your bedroom for the remainder of this party, we don't want you embarrassing me in front of all these people now do you. Do not speak to anyone."
"Of course not, Andrew. Goodnight my lord thank you for letting me stay up this long." She whispered back before quickly walking behind the other women as to try to stay at the same speed and before anyone even had a chance to blink Tyler had already found himself sneaking after her.
He waited until the other women had left with a scowl on her face before he entered.
There she was, sat at a larger desk brushing her long and seemingly soft hair,
"Hi." Tyler breathed out and judging by how much Octavia had jumped he could tell that he scared her.
"Hey, not to be rood but why are you here? Did Andrew send you to check on me?" She blushed furiously when they made eye contact.
"No I wanted to see you." Her blush deepened.
"Octavia isn't it? I'm Tyler."
The two got along like a house on fire it wasn't long before they found themselves telling each other about their lives, Tyler had told her about Klaus the original hybrid who killed his mom and ruined his life and now it was Octavia's turn.
"Well I was 15 when I met Andrew, married him the same day. I was taken from my home and brought to Cornwall with many other girls who were slaughtered because Andrew chose to marry me. We've been married since. I'd say I sold my soul to the devil or some cringy shit like that but I didn't sell it l. It was stolen by a three piece, and it's not like I can chance anything or get away from he he's like 300 and something, and I'm what? A 21 year old human." Tyler smiles sympathetically and wiped away a tear that had fell from her eye with his thumb.
"I'll help you Octavia. Young hybrid always beats old vampire."
"Don't bother yourself with my problems Tyler. You're too good." She laughed lightly.
"I've done a lot of bad things in my life, and maybe you're my chance of changing things around. You're beautiful you know that right" and with that he had left, he had left a girl he knew for a matter of minutes feeling the happiest and the most alive she'd ever felt in the paste six years.

Hold Me Down//Tyler Lockwood.Where stories live. Discover now