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His steps were slow, uneven, as he made his way out of school, his legs trembled so bad he thought he would fall any second, the pain was the worst part, one hand was gripping the injury, where the bullet had entered, it was still in there, piercing, moving, he could feel it, and all the blinding pain that came with it, it was almost unbearable and there were moments when his sight would turn white and he would have to bit his cheek to stop himself from screaming, it was hard, and that crimson liquid just kept coming out, through his fingers, to his clothes, they absorbed it, slowly, making them heavy and cold, and when it was far too much it would fall to the floor, leaving a painful track..

Every step was a new challenge, a new piercing shot of pain, a new flood of dripping blood, a new battle on staying awake and standing, he had to make it to the field, he had to.... Veronica was there,... he had to help her.. he had to..

Finally his feet touched grass, the change almost made him fall down straight to the floor, but he managed, it wasn't too far now, he could see her, standing there, near the stands, that was good... that meant he could use them as support, so Veronica couldn't see the damage, so she wouldn't feel bad, he was okay, he had to be,... for her..

- Smart girl - his voice came out wet, he was finding it difficult to breathe so he had to take a deep breath as she turned around, she looked so afraid, not in posture, or in facial expression, she was trying to be intimidating, cold,... but her eyes.. in her eyes he could see the fear, she was scared,...

Scared of him

Something he never wanted,... something that he had made... -You brought the trigger bomb to the.... Football field.... so nobody dies.. except you -

Her expression changed, softened for a moment, a few seconds were all the pain she was in hit JD in the face, she was hurting, those tears she shed at night weren't because of society or that stupid school, they were because of him... because of what they have done,... they were his fault

-I don't deserve to live- 

Those words hurt him more than the bullet, more than any pain his  father could inflict him, more pain than watching his mother wave through that window..., -I respectfully disagree- it came out harsher than what he expected, he tried to come closer, a slight movement, yet he stopped as the pain made his sight turn white for a moment,  after that he knew what he had to do, Veronica had so much ahead of her, she was smart, and beautiful, she was brave and courageous, and gods she was kind, Kind and loving even to trash like him.., trash that didn't deserve anything from someone like her, because he was bad, he was rotten and he was broken, he was the darkness that slowly absorbed her light,.. that had to stop..

-Give me the bomb-

When she saw him attempting to come closer she stepped back on her hurt ankle, making her fall down to the floor  -Get away!- 

The pain was too much, it came from his abdomen to his feet and then back to his head, it made him fall, and gods didn't that hurt more, but he managed to let just one short scream leave his lips as he breathed in slowly.

As  slow as he could he looked up, smiling as his eyes stopped on Veronica's, those beautiful eyes that seemed so scared and.. was that worry?, well maybe it was... maybe... No, he had to do this, he swallowed hard all the blood that had flooded his mouth, a string of the same went  down his chin as well, but it didn't mattered, what mattered was to save her life..
-I am damaged.. far too damaged- he came closer, ignoring the pain as he did so, to slowly reach out with his free hand to stroke her cheek, she got out of his reach at first, in a harsh movement, but then he could feel her skin, are.. not beyond repair- his smile grew sadder as he took his hand away from his wound, letting it bleed freely as he reached for a hug, wrapping his arms around her one last time, to feel her close one last time, because he loved her, he loved her so much...

-stick around here,.. make things better..-

Her hands let go of the bomb as they reached to hug him, and for a moment they were just Veronica and JD, there was no bomb or murders, there were no problems and no bullets, there was no blood, they were just seventeen..

-'Cause you beat me fair...  and square-

But that couldn't last, there was no time as JD took the bomb to his hands and tried to get away from veronica as much as he could, feeling the skin around the wound opening to let free more blood, she looked confused, scared, hurt, and he had to swallow blood again before speaking

-Please stand back now- she stood up and gave a few steps backwards unsure, as he used one step of the stands to get up, a pained scream leaving his lips as he did so, he gripped the bomb with one hand and used the other one to stay on his feet, he looked at his love, so unsure, so scared, not fully understanding what he was doing, but she was still too close.. -Little further- he asked her and as she was told she stepped even further backwards, he looked down at the bomb as he supported himself and gave a few steps back too -Don't know what this thing might do....Hope you'll miss me, wish you'd kiss me, then you know I worship you- He didn't knew when the tears had started to come out, they were streaming down his face, mixing with the blood,..

And there she was, looking horrified as she understood what was happening, tears started to fall from her eyes too, both hands on her mouth as she trembled, this couldn't be happening, no, no, no, no, not JD, all she could think of was of that sweet mysterious boy at the seven eleven, of all the ways he had to say I love you, no, no, no, this couldn't be happening..

One step backwards went wrong and he fell to the floor with a pained whine, on his knees he was as he looked up at her, she had stepped two steps forward, that was all, maybe it was still safe there, he just looked down at the bomb that he was now gripping with both of his hands

-I'll trade my life for yours- 

-Oh my god!- she was trembling so bad, he was hurting, he was crying,... he was saving her by sacrificing his own life, she couldn't stop crying, she couldn't stop thinking, her feet moved just one step forward, her hands were still near her mouth as sobs couldn't stop leaving her lips 

-And once I disappear- his voice was wet, from the blood, from the tears, he gripped the bomb tighter, to protect her, she couldn't get hurt, she was all, all  that mattered, the only thing that made that horrible planet a better place..

-Wait hold on!- her hands were leaving her face slowly, reaching for him as her feet began to move, but he was too far away, and her steps were short, unsure steps

-Clean up the mess I made!- He was crying bad by now, sobbing as blood tainted everything, as that crimson liquid made a little pool underneath his legs, he was feeling weak, he was feeling dizzy, he was feeling scared..

-Not this way!- her steps were faster, as she looked at all that red, all that blood, as she looked at his tremble figure, she knew he was scared, she could tell since she had seen that scene with his father, he was scared, he was hurt, he needed her..

He looked up, locking his eyes with hers, those beautiful eyes, his skin was so pale and he looked so weak yet he spoke

 -Our love is god- the tears wouldn't stop

-Our love is god- his lips turned into a loving sad smile, it was when she began to run

-Our love is god- she was so close..., her ankle was killing her but she needed to arrive, she needed to save him, she was so close

-Our love is God~ he was taken by surprise as a pair of hands ripped the bomb out of his arms to throw it away as far as they could to then wrap her arms around him

-Let's say hi to god- her voice was broken and so he surrounded her with his arms, throwing her to the ground with him on top as a shield, his smile was the last thing she saw

As the bomb went off


Well that's all for today, I hope you like it, this is not a one shot so don't worry, also english isn't my first language as some of you could guess but please, if I get something wrong tell me by private chat, thanks and see you soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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