why do i belong here

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Bobby picked me up instead of gunner today

"How's you thigh?" be asked

"Its not any better last night I took it off the gas was bloody as hell"i said

"Ill take care of you when we get to the office" he said

He pulled up to the office and we got out and went to therw the office this time and he checked it out

"You should be good its gonna scab up and its gonna,be super itchy" he said patching it up agian

Bobby can we just cuddle today in my office I don't wanna do much. Today

"hey Matt can me and Zoe
Like...chill and cuddle in Connors office and watch movies?" bobby asked

"Yeah she needs a day to realx! Go ahead you too" Matt said

Me and Matt went and cuddled

*hours later*

"Bobby your my best friend thank you for being here for me" I said

"No problem Zoe boo" he said and the door opened and closed and a strong sent of someone got done drinking so much hit me and bobbys nose

I got up and saw gunner drink gunner

"AYEEEEE ZOE BABY" he said going towards me but bobby stepped in front of him and gunner coward away

"Why are you here?" bobby got really protective

"He's my big brother now!" I said to Matt

"Good I think bobby is a good body gaurd

"I'm just...I'm sorry" he sat there crying no one has ever saw gunner cry when gunner crys he means it

"Get up" I said grabbing his arm he didn't move

"GeT UP" I yelled and he got up I took gunner into my office and laid him down on my couch and co bed him up he instantly fell asleep I got a bottle of water and pain meds sitting on a stole next to him waiting for him to wake up

*hour later*
I hear groaning and I slowly woke up from cuddling Bobby
I went back to cuddling him ant looking at the movie and gunner came in

"Oh so your dating bobby now?"he said

"No actually bobby was protecting me from you bobby is like a big brother to me" I said

He left I got up slowly not waking him up and we talked for a bit

"Why her gunner?" I asked

"I thought you didn't want me you weren't flirting back" he said

"Yes I was ask Kevin I would always talk about u gunner" I said

"Oh..i,don't know zoe...zoey I'm just the worse guy in the world" I got up and dimmed the lights and got a ice pack and handed him it

"No your not" I said

"Thanks Zoey" he said to me looking up at me I could tell he really meant it he touched my thigh

"Are you ok?" he asked

"Yeah just be easy when I ran from this place I fell into traffic badly got road rash" I explained he got up and hugged me

"2nd chance this time I promise not to be such a fuck up??" he asked

"Yea just this is your last chance" I said and he hugged me

I went back to cuddling bobby and that was the end of the night

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