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Arnav: Again you started?

Khushi: Why shouldn't I? Haven't you seen how that dumb friend of yours left to attend some conference at this time of night leaving his beautiful and disappointed wife alone on this so called holiday?

Arnav: Maybe the conference was important.

Khushi: Really?  What was he doing whole day except working on his laptop and talking on his phone? What type of holiday it is? If he is behaving like that in holidays then I feel scared to think about his regular routine and poor Payal.

Arnav sighed now they're talking on phone after leaving for their rooms for the night when Khushi called him to talk about his supposedly weird friends according to her and the first target is Akash.

Arnav: Khushi I am telling you again, it's their personal matter.

Khushi: And I am sorry to say there's nothing perfect in their life like they show. I can feel it!

Arnav: Khushi!

Khushi: Ok what about Nk and Lavanya they're living together without marriage?

Arnav: Yea! They're having live-in relationship  and it's common these days.

Khushi: I know but have they decided the limits of this relationship?

Arnav: Khushi Why're we discussing their personal life?

Khushi: because I am sorry to say but the life your friends are living showing it as perfect to others, I am afraid will take a very ugly turn one day and may end up with sourness in every relation.
You're their friend Arnav ji and you can do so much to stop it.

Arnav: I don't feel like that and you shouldn't interfere also. Good Night! and he hanged up the call.

Khushi groaned irritated looking at the phone screen but decided to try and show them the right path.


Week was passing by and Arshi was coming more close, Khushi has realised her feelings but never voiced and for Arnav he was thinking that he is getting habitual to her. Khushi was trying to help Payal, where Payal was trying to work as Khushi said but Akash was as always ignorant and Payal's hope was just crashing. It was fifth day of their holiday and Khushi advised Payal to make jealous so he start concentrating on their relation and they'll start working on it from tonight dinner which is planned out.

Arnav: Khushi what are you upto?

Khushi: What? I am getting ready for dinner.

Arnav: Stop acting!  What are you even feeding Payal? These days she is acting differently and I know you're behind it.

Khushi: She is not acting different. She is working on her marriage which ofcourse your dumb friend don't even try nor acknowledge her efforts.

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