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Chapter 10:

  As you and your friends are ready to fire someone spole up.

"Right, time to party teach. Now you made a promise. So don't go backen out." Terasaka said.

"Commence operation... now." Ritsu said as the timer starts.

"Let's go!" Isogai said and that's the cue to fire the tentacles.

"Time elapse: 5 seconds." Ritsu said and all of the sudden, the chapel fell apart. "Time elapse: 35 seconds." And out of nowhere, your classmates appeared and for a hydro cage around Koro-sensei."53 seconds." As you and the others are in position, ritsu appeared, preparing her guns."Commencing tactical volley in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Fire!" And with that we fired our guns to block his escape.

'Get ready you two, don't hold back.' You thought as you keep on firing your gun.

"And that's game over." Ritsu chimed as chiba and hayami fired their guns and few seconds later after that, it causes and explosion and it made you and your classmates fell into the water and you swam up to the surface.

"Gah!" You gasped as you take a deep breath.

"Nagisa! (Name)!" Kayano called the two of you as she stopped her motor boat.

"Don't let your guard down!" Karasuma yelled as he run to the shore."Its still possible for him to regenerate!" He said as he called isogai and kataoka to find koro-sensei.

"Guys look!" Kayano pointed out as we saw something coming up and a crystal ball like appeared and inside it... was koro-sensei's head.

"Nurufufufu~~ Allow me to introduce you to my trump card of trump cards, my absolute defense form." Koro-sensei said.

"Absolute defense form?" You and your classmates said in unison as koro-sensei explain everything about his defense form and after he explains terasaka growled and grabbed the crystal ball.

"That's crap! Nothing is invincible if you just wack it hard enough!" He said as he held wrench and hitting the crystal ball and a few seconds later he threw the crystal ball to karma as he show embarrassing pictures of him making koro-sensei freaked out.

"Okay that's enough. Let HQ take care of this." Karasuma said as he placed koro-sensei in a small plastic bag and you and your classmates went back to the hotel.


You were in major panic as some of your classmates were sick as karasuma received a call from an unknown stranger and some of us are upset that this mysterious guy did this and we all sixteen of us (including ritsu) and our teachers decided that we will go to the rendezvous point for 60 minutes otherwise your classmates will die.

"Nagisa, Kayano. Be on your guard." Karasuma said as you started to climb first.

"Come on guys, don't be a wuss. It's just a ledge, nothing else." You said as you keep on climbing and all of your classmates followed you."Karasuma-sensei we got this but we really need your help. Can you be our commander please?" You asked politely.

"Help us make this bastard pay sir!" Terasaka said.

"Attention! Our objective is the top floor of the hotel at the summit! Our mission will shift from a stealth infiltration to a surprise attack! We'll use the same hand signals and link-ups from training! Our only difference is your target! You have three minutes to memorize the map! We begin at 2150!" Karasuma instucted us.

"Yes sir!" You and your classmates said in unison as we begin your mission.....  

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