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People were staring at her, and she wasn't too sure why. 

Marie scratched her head awkwardly as she walked down the main corridor at Liberty High School, brushing off peoples stares with a crimson blush. She didn't particularly hate being looked at, as she was often guilty of staring herself, but what she didn't like was the fact that today, looking at her came alongside whispering. And whispering could only mean one thing; gossip.

She felt her palms trembling slightly as she turned into her English classroom ready for Tuesday second period. She was anticipating something, yet she wasn't quite sure as to what exactly.

"Congratulations," was the single word exclamation from Courtney Crimsen that greeted Marie as she sat down a couple of desks from her. 

Congratulations? Marie thought, considering that the gossip may not be as bad after all if she was being congratulated for it. Yet she found herself pondering as to what exactly she was being congratulated for, deciding it would be to awkward to ask Courtney now she had already thanked the girl.

She retrieved her English textbook from her bag, trying to preoccupy her mind yet she couldn't help but notice that everybody who walked in found their eyes falling straight onto her, "Courtney, I know I thanked you and all, but what exactly were you congratulating me for?"

"You haven't seen it yet?" Courtney scoffed, her brows raised as her eyes drifted along her desk, "I thought everyone had seen it."

"Apparently not everyone," Marie bit her lip after muttering, raising her hands slightly in protest that she had not seen it. 

Marie glanced around the room, flinching slightly as somebody patted her back in a congratulating gesture as they walked by her. What had she done that was so worthy of even the most conceited persons' interest? 

She perked her ears up and listened to the conversation of the girls who sat behind her. Naturally, the classroom was flooded with different conversations as people swarmed into the room, yet Marie just about managed to latch onto their voices in the middle of the chaos. They were saying something about somebody having the best eyes at Liberty High, and Marie was about to turn around and question them when Montgomery De La Cruz made his grand entrance into the classroom, holding a piece of paper above him as he sauntered towards his desk, a smirk prominent on his face. Marie was surprised he actually showed up, it was an extremely rare occasion for the boy to actually make an effort to turn up to class.  

"Who hasn't seen the list?" he called, as though everybody should've known what he was on about, and judging by the sheepish look on everybody's faces, they all did.

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