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The shouting continued as swearing, screams and cursing filled the house echoing on the walls and found it's way to my closet. My father had come home drunk again and suddenly became outraged when he found out my mother had thrown away his secret stash of beer and had begun to curse loudly and beat about her body. it was then that my younger sister began 2 cry loudly. Noticing her he left my mother and strode towatd us.Frozen in fear I couldn't move, while my sister continued to cry loudly. “Frank! Frank! Don't you dare touch my children!" my mother hollered as she crawled towards us. She had a black eye already, accompanied with several bruises on her face and on her arms. Tears streamed from her once pretty face, but now it had become etched with sadness and worry,even her jet black hair had traces of grey strands that tumbled messily around her head.

Though she screamed at him he still lumbeted towards us ,his eye blood-shot and dazed. The heavy smell of alchohol and sweat mixing in the air. His hand rose above his head hovering over my sister. Those hands , the very ones that held me gingerly, that taught me how to milk a cow, that protected me during storms ,where now the same storms that wreaked havoc in our lives.“pwese don't be angry with us papa" my sister said in between sobs. He hesitated slightly as if noticing what he was doing but brought down his heavy hand and knocked her sideways.

Time seemed to slow down before me, my mother's eye widened as she screamed her name, while my sister flew siiuspended in the air,her auburn pigtails fluttering around her,hands outstretched. I heard her laugh echo in my head. I saw the wall and saw her.I saw her tiny body hit the wall.with such a force my knees buckled and a sound so dreadful filled the night sky. I could feel it leave my lips and resonate through my bones. I crawled on all fours heading towards he unconscious body, my vision blurring not noticing my father heading towards me.I clung to her clutching desperately at her face ,Anne, Anne! I screamed, she didn't open her eyes and smile exposing her non-existent front teeth. There was no pulse just a corpse .My tears splattered uto her peach coloured dress which looked beautiful against my white one. Run jane! my mother said turning her back to me and blocked his path. I grabbed Anne's lifeless body and ran up the stairs.She was so cold and light it was almost fuuny because of the fact that I used to complain about how heavy she was when I gave her piggy back rides.

I barricaded myself with my sister in the closet.Though it was musty,small and cramped but it was my safe haven.Suddenly there was silence, then gentle thuds like someone was walking up the stairs. Then another brief moment of silence followed. When my eyes had adjusted to the pitch black darkness I was left alone with my thoughts. I became a genuis of sadnessn, immersing myself in it, separating myself in it, separating its numerous strands,appreciating its subtle nuances. I was a prism through wich sadness could be divided into it's infinite spectrum and for once, i'm loneIy. I am lonely in some horrible deep way and for a flash an instant, I can see just how lonely and how deep this feeling runs and it scares the soul out of me me to be this lonely, because it seems catastrophic,.Then a gentle knock broke me out of my misery. "Jane please open the door. it's me". I stood up to open  for my mother and rested my sister on the bed. My mother looked so much worse than when i left her,she had so many cuts I almost gagged."your father is asleep" she collapsed into my arms and wept before saying a reciting poem.

Be still, sad heart! And end your crying;

Behind the clouds is the sun still shining,

They fate is the common fate of all,

Into each life some rain must fall"

And as if on cue there was a gentle pitter patter of rain.outside.While we escaped I was disgusted to see once a ptound farmer covered in his own bile, There was a storm in kentucky one, unlike any ever seen ,it was as if the earth was shedding tears that annie would  never shed.

Just as how the strom raged on in the world is the same as the hatred In my soul, strong and unceasing and destructive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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