•° Chapter twelve °•

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"Now I'm just curious, what have you guys got planned that's so evil that you need our help?" Says George, sitting down at the edge of the black lake along with Fred and Selena.

"Selena here, is planning to send a howler to professor Dumbledore." I say, sitting down next to George.

We watch as Fred and George's jaws drop to the floor, making us chuckle loudly. "Are you guys mad?!" Says Fred, his jaw still on the floor and his eyes wide.

"I've tried to talk her out of this, believe me." I state, shrugging my shoulders.

Selena looks at them with a smirk etched on her face, "I think Quidditch was the only thing keeping us all sane, and yet here are the teachers cancelling it and sending us to our Common rooms."

"SHIT, WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN OUR COMMON ROOMS!" I say quickly, standing up as fast as I can, worry clearly visible on my face.

"Relax Trace, we'll just walk to the castle in a slow pace, cause I'm still curious about how you're planning to send a howler."

Everyone stands up and we walk towards the castle at a slow pace, "Well, I'll simply write the letter, but I'll of course shouldn't send it alone, since we want the message to come across."

"Sorry, what's the message again?"

"Pay attention George! The message is, that we're pissed about them cancelling Quidditch. People were actually really excited about this Quidditch season! So if we get more Quidditch players to help us with this, it can clearly get the message across."

"Oh, I can ask Cedric!" I say with a smile, very happy I'll get a proper reason to talk to him again.

As we walk through the courtyard we all stop for a moment, knowing that all too soon the guys had to go upstairs and we downstairs.

"Yes, great idea, ask the gorgeous Hufflepuff." She says, making me raise an eyebrow at her, did she just call Cedric gorgeous? "Now we just have to find a Ravenclaw.."

"We can ask Bradley." Says George, causing a huge smile to appear on Selena's face. "I can't believe we're actually doing this but alright, you all know your homework, we'll meet after tomorrow's dinner to see if we've all succeeded."

"Now, we have to go to the dungeons, and you guys should head on to your precious little Gryffindor tower." I say, walking up to the entrance and waving the guys goodbye. Hoping to get Selena alone as soon as I can.

When the guys are out of sight, I grab her by the arm. "What the-" She starts off not finishing it because I cut her off, "Do you like Cedric?" I say directly, causing her to widen her eyes.

"Do you?" I say again after a long silence, "Well, he's hot." She says carefully, "Of course he is!" I say a bit too loudly.

"But do you like him?" I say, a smirk forming on my face. Her cheeks turn a slight shade of red, making me squeal in anticipation. "YOU DO!"

"He doesn't like me back you idiot, he's the hottest guy of our year." She says, almost falling down the slippery dungeon stairs.

"Yeah, so? I could talk to him if you want me to!" I say stopping before the damp wall, that is the entrance of the common room. "Vengeance." I say quickly, still very pleased that they changed the password. Apparently there were too many complaints about the password, so they changed it for something a bit more practical.

"Oh no, please don't talk to him for me! It'll blow over by itself." She says, stepping into the common room to find that prat Malfoy sitting there getting a foot massage from Pansy Parkinson.

"I need to throw up." I say, covering my mouth with my hands.

"Hi Blaise!" Says Selena, greeting the shy second year, and yes believe it or not Blaise Zabini is shy. "Hi Selena and Tracy." He says with a small smile, as soon as we're up to our dormitory I chuckle. "He's so adorable, and chubby!"


"Hey Cedric!" I say, approaching the Hufflepuff as he's talking to a Ravenclaw girl I recognized from being the Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. "I'll talk to you later Cho." He says to the girl, who nods and gives him a small wave.

"Tracy! What's up?" He says with a bright smile, Selena was right this guy is gorgeous. "I sort of need your help with something that will break a few school rules.." I say looking at him with the sweetest smile I could come up with.

"Merlin, what are you planning now?" He says, rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Well, you see Selena got quite frustrated when it was announced that the Quiddith season was cancelled. So, she came up with an idea that requires a quidditch player from every house.."

Cedric crosses his arms, as I take my time to finish my story. Balancing myself on only one leg, whilst biting my bottom lip.

"Get on with it Lovegood!" He says with a smile, but I know he's growing more and more annoyed by the second.

"She wants to send Dumbledore a howler." I say quickly, causing Cedric's eyebrows to quirk up.

"Are you mad?!"

"Probably yeah, but come on Cedric! We only need someone from the Hufflepuff team, and then we're set." I say with a pout, causing him to roll his eyes. "If I get expelled it's your fault Lovegood."

"Does that mean you'll join?!" I say, immediately growing happier and happier by the second. "Anything for you and Selena." He says shaking his head with a smile visible on his face.

I hug him tightly, "Thanks man, we owe you one!"


I skip to dinner as I can't wait to approach Selena and tell her that we've got a Hufflepuff on the team. As I approach Fred and George they also have a smirk plastered on their faces. "Bradley said yes." They say in unison.

"Cedric said yes as well."

"Looks like the game is on lads." Says Selena, resting her arm on my shoulder, her smirk topping all of ours.

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