Amanda's pov(255 words)

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I was sitting at my desk working late finishing up some ddfives when  my phone rang the screen flashed Sarge I answered ( in this chapter Olivia is talking with Elliot ... Yes Elliot is back in my story )
O:Elliot I love her with all my heart but its a conflict of interest I'm her Sargent I can't have even of I wanted to
E: liv tell her see what she wants or how she feels about you  don't hide your feelings its not good and please stop turning people away I wanna help you trust me you need to tell her
O: so what am I supposed to do or say walk up to her and say hey Rollins I wanna see you  in my office for a minute and then confess my feelings for her its not that simple. Every time I am around her I get  weak and shy
E:liv I understand but just ask her to dinner and tell her how you feel you never know
O:fine I'll talk to her tomorrow I'll text you later about what happens. I love u el.
Here I am sitting at my desk listening to there conversation I wonder  was talking about me no probraly not .if she's talking about me then seriously doubt she is but just like  that I  wanna   be in an relationship with her but its against rules and regulations but what the hell I am gonna ask her if she wants to go to dinner and spill out all my feeling for her  i hope she likes me back.   I got up and left the precinct as I was walking down 154th street when a guy stopped and asked me for a light for his cigarette and I pulled out the lighter and put his hand over my mouth and pulled me into an alley I tried to get my gun but he grabbed it and said to me " you scream I'll blow your brains out the I just stood there and froze he started to take off my shirt and then my bra and then he for to my belt buckle and pulled down my pants and yanked of..f. Off my underwear and I heard his pants open and he shoved him.m..self i.. i.. to me and it hurt so bad and then he started punching , kicking , slapping me I started feeling dizzy and passed out.

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