Sisters Interview (Lauren J.)

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5:30 *Beep Beep Beep*

I hit snooze on my alarm clock and, got up because today was the day Lauren and I were going to an interview together for the first time. I took a shower and got dressup in this outfit.

I walked down stairs to see my beautiful older sister lauren ready eating a jam  doughnut wearing a nice outfit as always

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I walked down stairs to see my beautiful older sister lauren ready eating a jam  doughnut wearing a nice outfit as always.

I walked down stairs to see my beautiful older sister lauren ready eating a jam  doughnut wearing a nice outfit as always

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Lauren-Hey Y/n how look nice" said Lauren with a mouth full of a jam doughnut.

Y/n-Sup sis I'm ready to go, how bout you lolo.

Lauren-I'm ready let's go

On the way there we were just jamming to random genres of music. Then we arrived to where we are going to be interviewed and go ready

Producer- 5 minutes Jauregui sisters

Lauren- Okay, Y/n get ready

Y/n- I'm nervous as shit right now

Lauren- Stop cursing Y/n

Y/n- Wow says the person who get caught cursing all the time

Lauren- Ok you got me there but, still no cursing

Y/n- you know what imma just pretend you did not say tha-gco

Producer- Jauregui sisters time to go one set

Lauren and I walk over to the opening and soon as we get our names called we walk on the stage with smiles on our faces

Interviewer- Welcome the Lauren and Y/n Jauregui!!!! How are you doing

Y/n & Lauren- Good and You

Interviewer- I'm good let's jump right into the fan questions.This question goes to Y/n.

Y/n- I'm ready

Interviewer-5hisawesome asked How much has your life changed being a sibling of Lauren?

Y/n- Nice username by the way but, my life is normal than Lauren's life because my life with the 5h fans are like "Can we get a picture". On the other hand Lauren would sometime have Papparazi and Fans on her.

Lauren-That's True.

Interviewer- This goes to both of you Badassy/n asked Who is likely to be arrested?

Y/n&Lauren- *Points at eachother* 

Y/n- Lauren don't point at me you stole lipstick at the Disney store when we were little 

Lauren- Hey don't blame me* says something you did bad*

Y/n- Ok fine we are both likely to get arrested 

*crowd laughs*

Interviewer- _AllyBroccoli_  asked What is your guilty pleasure?

Y/n- Um.. Mines would have to be Food, like I love food so much

Lauren- My guilty pleasure would probably be food also.

Interviewer- Lauren4Lif3 asked Can you dance for the cam?

Y/n- Sure*gets up and starts twerking*

*crowds screams and cheers*

Lauren- Where is Allysus when you need her?

Interviewer- CamrenBitches asked y/n who is your favorite member in Fifth Harmony?

Y/n- Lauren don't get mad at me because we are sisters but, my favorite member would have to be Dinah or Normani.

Interviewer- So you know I always wanted to play a game with you guys but with some guest 

Y/n- We got guest!!!

Interviewer- Yep!!! Let's bring out One Direction!!!

Y/n&Lauren-* Gets up and hugs them then sits back down*

Interviewer- The game we will be playing is never have I ever. You have to be truthful

Y/n- *whispers* no promises

Harry&Liam-* Laugh*

Interviewer- First Never have I ever Question: Never have I ever went skinny dipping

Harry- I Have

Y/n- I haven't and don't wanna

Lauren- Never have but I would try

Liam- I have

Louis- Never

Niall- I have

Interviewer- Never have I ever lied about my age

All- I Have

Interviewer- Never Have I ever eaten something you dropped on the floor

Y/n- I mean there is a 5 second rule so yeah

1D- I agree Yes

Lauren- I Have 

Never Have I ever said " I love you" without meaning it?

Louis- I have never

Y/n- Stop lying we all probably did it once in our life time

Louis- But I haven't y/n


Lauren- If I say "I love you" I mean it. I will say I don't love you  to someone i don't love.

Interviewer- Sassy Lauren in the building

Lauren-*does hair flip*

Y/n- Yass sista

1D&crowd- *Laughing and cheers*

Interviewer- Well that all for today for this lovely interview. One more time for the Y/n, Lauren and One Direction everyone.

Crowd- WOOOO*clapping*

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