Chapter. 6

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Eunwoo decided to spend her recess time in the library because she afraid to meet Hansol at the canteen.

There're not so many student in the library since it's recess time, so after choosing a book, Eunwoo decided to sit at the corner of the library.

Only 15 minutes passed and Eunwoo already feel sleepy. She put her head down on the table for 2 minutes, and right after she looks up, she found a familiar figure staring at her.

'No, what is he doing here?! Did he follow me?', Eunwoo talked to herself.

Not going to give in, Eunwoo just stare at Hansol back and they're having a staring contest for 17 seconds because Eunwoo can't open her eyes for too long.

Hansol just can't help but to shake his head at Eunwoo's behaviour. 'Why did you do that when you know you're going to lost
.', Hansol talked to himself.

He get up from his seat when Eunwoo was about to leave the library and decided to follow her.

They walked for about 10 minutes and arrived in front of Eunwoo's classroom.

"Why did you follow me?", Eunwoo turn her back and asked him. "I thought you're going to ignore me for the rest of your life? Or maybe, for the rest of my life? Because I might be the one who's dying first because of how a boy named Choi Hansol treats me."

"I'm not following you though? Recess time is almost over and I'm on my way to my class.", Hansol raised his eyebrows.

"Whatever. Why did you stop here? Your class is over there."

"I-- I jus-"

"HEY HANSOL!", Seungkwan said as he locks his arm to hansol's neck.

"Hey, my life saviour."

"What are you doin- Oh! You and Eunwoo are okay now? Aahhh I'm glad. I was alm-"

"Why are you talking too much?", Eunwoo rolled her eyes.

"Let's go, Seungkwan. I can see Mrs Kim is on her way.", Hansol said and dragged Seungkwan to their classroom.

"Oh! Bye, Nunu! I'll call you soon.", Seungkwan waved at Eunwoo.

"No, thank you."

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