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I continuously looked back as I ran full speed into the darkness. I don't know for how long I've been running, it feels like hours. I need to get as far as I can. I don't have time to stop. My bare feet ache with every step I take. The darkness of the forest wraps me up in its scary arms and comforts me. Any other girl would be crazy to come through here, but that's exactly what I had to do. I had to do the unexpected if I wanted to live.

I felt the cold breeze shower my body and the smell of trees caress my nostrils. It feels good to be outside. It's funny how you appreciate the presence of something only when you have experienced its absence.

My legs started shaking and I felt nauseous. I was already deep into the forest so I stoped and hid behind a giant sequoia tree. I crouched down as soon as my feet stopped moving and hugged my legs. My chest went up and down as I tried to take deep breaths, but the position I was in didn't help. I tried to stand up but my legs ignored my brains command. "Relax Kora" I whispered to myself.
I took a moment to think of how I got here. Of all the fucked up things that have happened to me this is by far the worst.
I looked around but there was nothing but giant tall trees. I decided to rest for a couple minutes.
As my pulse went down, I felt the coldness of the forest embracing my body.  I suddenly become aware of my own physique. I must have lost at least  10 pounds.

I then questioned what I was wearing. A thin red dress. A rush of rage coursed through my body. I noticed some cuts all over my legs. Without even realizing what I was doing I started to cry. I had to be quiet but I couldn't hold it anymore. How did this happen? Why me? I winced in pain as I cupped my face with both hands. I touched my face to find the source of pain. My bottom lip and left eyebrow were apparently busted. I felt like crying again but I had to be strong. I couldn't waste valuable time crying, I had to get away. I had to escape.
It was still dark so I thought I could rest a little longer. As long as I stayed quite, I would be safe. I closed my eyes while promising myself I wouldn't fall asleep. I dozed off.

"Stop! Stop touching me!" An anguish scream woke me up. I hit the back of my head with the tree behind me and for a moment everything spun around. I tried standing up but I fell hard on my knees. I winced. I tried holding the tree to gain balance but when I finally stood up I threw myself back on the ground as a loud noise echoed through the forest. A gunshot. "No no no" I repeatedly whispered to myself. I crawled to try to hid behind the tree that had already protected me once. A second gunshot. It sounded closer than the last one. A rush of adrenaline gave me the strength I lacked and ran like I had never ran before. I didn't care in what direction I was running, I just needed to run.

I didn't know for how long I had slept so I looked up the sky to try and decipher how much longer I had before sunrise. To my luck, the previous black sky was already turning blue.

I had indeed fallen asleep for too long, so I now had at least one more hour to find shelter before the sunrise. I couldn't be out in the daylight, I'd make his job easier.

I didn't even finish that last thought when my body went flying as it bounced against a tall sequoia tree. I was so busy studying the sky that I didn't notice the damn tree in front of me. I lied on the ground like a starfish. My head was the sky on a fourth of July. I tried sitting down, I wasn't ready to give up. I pulled my head up, but it went straight back onto the floor. I tried to get up so many times that I lost count.

"This is it" I thought. All I did was for nothing. I was going to die anyway. He will find me.

I closed my eyes. I wanted to enjoy my last minutes of freedom.

My body tensed as I heard steps approaching. The steps came to a complete stop and for a moment I thought I was already dead. There was total silence. My body was lifted from the hard ground and I opened my eyes as a cry of pain left my busted lips. A ray of sunshine illuminated his face. I never thought I would go to heaven, but only a creature so beautiful could come from such place. His hazel eyes locked mine in place, he frowned and his mouth formed a straight line. "What's wrong?" I thought. He looked around as if he had lost something. "No, look at me" I thought. I tried to speak but it only made me nauseous. My body was gently returned to the floor and my hair pulled back. "What's going on?" I vomited. The disgusting taste of the vomit  made me throw up again and again. I felt my stomach rumble so I hugged it with my arms. A strong hand brought me back to reality as it pat my back. I wiped my mouth with the back my hand and the pain that emanated from my lip reminded me that I wasn't dead.

"Can you stand up?" A strong hoarse voice echoed in my head.

I covered my ears immediately. "Shut up" I said in response.

"Stand up" He wasn't asking this time.

I didn't move. For a moment I wished he would leave me alone, but my wish didn't come true. He held my arm and pulled me up. I stood up but my knees weren't strong enough to hold my body so I fell on his chest.

He sighted.  The warmth of his body pulled me in and I let myself go.

"I'll probably regret this" He said as he picked me up in his arms. "Let's go"

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