From Quirkless to Quirked

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"Quirks? You're telling me they had Quirks?"

"Yes, yes, they had Quirks, but this is weird, Todoroki!" Izuku yelled into his phone, rushing down the mostly empty streets, bar a few random passers-by, who gave him weird glances at the mention of the superpowers held by the minority. "That's not what's weird though! We ran into them about two days ago, and they were totally Quirkless then!"

He and Mina were moving at the highest speeds they could possibly manage, Mina completely disregarding her tendency to hide her skin and appearance, and focusing more on following the black and green haired boy than she was on the opinions of the people around her.

Quirked people now kidnapping other Quirked people... That in itself wasn't exactly uncommon. Many Quirked people found themselves working as either criminals or mercenaries, since they had such unique abilities. It was hard to stop an assassin when said assassin was immune to bullets, or could stop them flying through the air with ease. Many found themselves being sent down to capture other Quirked individuals, often for the promise of some quick cash, or for personal reasons. Whichever it was, it was abhorrent even disregarding Quirks altogether.

Violence against Quirked people by the Quirkless – Now that was nothing new. That had been something that had been going on since the very first discovery of Quirks. That was the routine, the brutal, unfair and prejudicial routine, but it was how society worked.

This was different though. Those muggers had been Quirkless just a few days ago... But they seemed to have complete control over their Quirks. Or at least, the leader of that particular group seemed to be completely competent at wielding their Quirks, which made the whole thing even stranger.

"So they developed their Quirks in between those two days? It's not like it's been uncommon for adults to develop Quirks." Todoroki answered back down the phone to a boy making his way to the notes meeting point as fast as physically possible. "It's unlikely, but it's possible, right?"

"That - That isn't the point!" He yelled back down the phone line, with such loud conviction it even made Mina shudder for a brief moment. "The point is that they're working with Quirks – Or at least one of them is – But either way, they don't see to have changed their minds about Quirks! They just seem even angrier with them! They could be lashing out, but I don't think that's the most likely situation – They targeted us specifically!"

Reaching a crossroads in the streets, Izuku stopped for a moment, turning his head right, then left, then right again, searching desperately for a street name sign. Katsuki had been taken to the docks, the note had said when Izuku had recovered enough to read it, so he had an idea for where he was going. Not the Port of Tokyo, which would be far too busy at this time of year. Other lesser known docks around the place would allow for a far easier time of holding someone against their will.

"Okay, where's the meeting place?"

"H-Hitosuta dock! It's about three miles from the Port of Tokyo! Small place, a couple of shacks near it! You can find it from the main road!"

"Alright, got it. Hitosuta. I'll head over there as quick as I can. Don't do anything reckless, Midoriya. We don't know what to expect from these guys." With that, Todoroki hung up his phone, to make his way over to the location he had been provided with. Izuku would never have asked him to come and aid in their fight, only calling to ask Todoroki to call the police, since going through the official means himself would have taken too long while he was speeding through the city.

"Is..." Mina began, taking the brief opportunity of them stopping for just a moment to reclaim her lost breath. Her back was hunched over, and her arms were keeping the rest of her body upright by using her hands resting on her knees. A few more sharp intakes of breath were needed before she could find that she had enough oxygen in her system to talk. "Is... Is Todoroki gonna call the police for us?..."

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