Reason One

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Hey, it's Liv. Or, Olivia. Olivia Parker. Coming to you live from a closet somewhere here in the venue. I know you all are expecting a couple of opening bands before Panic! comes out, but sorry to disappoint, I have some things to get off of my chest. Some things I would like to share with every fan here; with someone I'm to afraid to face when I say these things. I'm about to tell you a story. A thirteen part story, actually. This is going to be pretty long. I'd go buy some snacks and maybe a few beers to get through this, honestly. Are we ready? Here we go; here's thirteen reasons why I fell in love with Brendon Urie. Yes, you heard right. I'm in love with Brendon Urie. Sounds weird to say it out loud. Well, let's start, shall we? Reason one: his smile.

I step off of the stage, giving high-fives to all the crew and band members that I passed. "Another amazing show!" I shouted, pumping my fist into the air, "Thank you to everyone who worked hard to make it happen." I received multiple cheers, my smile never faulting, "Thank you to everyone who made this whole tour possible. Everyone has been great, I love working with all of you. I hate this was our last show. Until the next tour!" I yelled, waving to everyone before making my way down the hall towards my dressing room.

I shut the door as I stepped into the room, plopping down on the couch. Picking up my phone, I furrowed my eyebrows when I noticed I had been added to a group chat. I have told everyone in my contacts to never add me to a group chat. Those things were just too complicated to keep up with. I opened the messages, seeing it was Dallon Weekes and Dan Pawlovich. When the hell did I ever give them my number? I tried to think back, my mind drawing a blank. I shrugged and read through the messages.

Dallon: Hey, Liv! Long time, no see (or talk)
Dan: Hi, Liv! Are you busy this weekend?
Dallon: We're planning something for Bren's birthday. We know he's a huge fan of yours and that you two have never met, so we were thinking you could come in and surprise him!

Brendon Urie is a fan of mine? How did I not know this? I went to Twitter to see if he had ever tweeted something about, or to, me, but not finding anything. This had to be some kind of prank.  I went back to the group chat and typed out a reply.

Liv: Brendon is a fan of mine? Why am I now just finding this out? He's never showed any interest in me or my music.

I received a reply immediately.

Dallon: Hold on, I think I have some videos of him singing and dancing along to your music.

He sent four videos, all of them being Brendon doing what Dallon had said.

Liv: Alright, then. Let's hear this plan!

- * -

"All you have to do is walk in, remove his blind fold, then the rest will just play out." Dallon smiled down at me. I nodded and turned towards the door, hearing multiple people talking and laughing, "Are you sure he's going to like me being the surprise?"

"He's going to love it." Dallon chuckled, his hand on the doorknob, "Ready?"

I nodded and he opened the door, stepping in first. The crowd became silent, causing my eyes to widen. Brendon had his back turned towards me, a black rag tied around his head. Everyone got their phones out as I stepped up behind Brendon. "Why is everyone so quiet? What the hell is going on?" he asked.

I smirked slightly and reached up, untying the rag and letting it fall to the floor. He looked around for a few seconds before turning to me, his eyes widening, "Holy shit." he said before laughing and hugging me tightly, "Holy fucking shit, I did not expect you to be here!" he stated, pulling away.

" he said before laughing and hugging me tightly, "Holy fucking shit, I did not expect you to be here!" he stated, pulling away

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That's when I noticed his smile. I had never before seen a smile that bright. And I couldn't be more happier that I was the cause of that bright smile. It was something out of a movie, honestly. I'm sure everyone has seen the videos of that moment, it's all over the internet, even two years later. I like to go back and watch one every now and then, just to see that smile again, even though it doesn't even compare to how it was in person. There you all have it, one out of thirteen reasons. Are you all tired of it already? I hope not, or this is going to drag on for all of you. Stick around, you're about to hear reason two.


after recently going to a Panic! concert, i've been needing to write something about brendon so here we go

chapter song: Can't Help Falling In Love - twenty one pilots cover

13 Reasons | Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now