Chapter 8: What Lies Behind The Door

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Note: Presenting the work of another beloved writer of The Cursed One, of who is making her debut with nothing to say but these three words: BEWARE YOUR FEELS!

Disclaimer: Any names, places, events are purely coincedental!

Chapter 10: What Lies Behind The Door


As we walked through the dark halls of this rather creepy place, we found ourselves at a dead end. Well, not particularly a dead end, since there was a large door in front of us. It seemed to emit a strange aura. It probably contained traps and monsters or such. Still, it can't hurt to be sure...

All of us agreed to turn back and take another route, but no matter how many doors we open or how many different routes we take, we always end up right in front of the same door. And of course we had no other choice but to enter it instead.

It was being a bitch though...

After so many attempts in opening it, IT WONT DENG OPEN! We tried pushing it, didn't work. Neither did pulling it, or saying magic words, or jumping infront of it together like it was one of those automatic mall doors. IT JUST DIDN'T WORK!

And then Sam...

"You people aren't doing it the awesome way! Let the pro handle this." Sam then stood in front of the door and stared at it intently. "VOOIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" she shouted that extremely infectious shout and then KICKED THE DOOR HARD!

THE DOOR THEN OPE- oh fudge it didn't...

"YAAAAAAAAGHHHH!" Sam held her foot up, the one she used to kick the door, and started bouncing on one leg in pain. "IT HUUURTSSS!" she whined. Then with teary eyes she stood firmly, a hand on her waist and the other flicked up her bangs. "T-This door is too lame to handle my awesomeness." she said while her eyebrows twitched.

All of us then sweat-dropped.

I, Ren, of course had a brilliant idea! I placed a fist on my palm, like one of those eureka moments in anime. "LET'S USE RONALD MCDONALDS BLACK NOODLES!" I said, referring to Ronaldo's curly black noodle hair. "IF WE USE HIM LIKE THOSE LOGS VILLAGERS USED TO BARGE IN CASTLES WITH MONSTERS, IM SURE THAT DOOR WOULD BREAK OPEN WHEN IT COMES IN CONTACT WITH DONALD DUCK'S CURLY BLACK NOODLES AND ITS WHITE FLAKEY TOPPINGS *coughdandruffcough*"

"Brilliant idea!" Alisa agreed with me, and we both faced Ronald in a scheming evil aura manner.

"H-Hey! Stop looking at me like that! A-And what's with all the stupid nicknames?!" I twitched slightly at what Ronaldo said. I mean, seriously, how could he protest against my genius plan?! "Ren, I doubt that your plan would even work! I mean seriously? I know how badly you envied my afro but that's just going too far!"

"I never envied your afro! It's a great idea, admit it! Your noodles are more poisonous than snakes!"

"No... I don't think its such a good idea..." Cerise held her chin. Ronaldo seemed to sparkle at Cerise siding with him. "I mean, how can we carry him without getting infected with his noodles?!"

And poof goes the sparkles...

"Jenny can carry him... Her boom boom pitsu can counter Ronald's noodles."


"Then why don't you two charge at the door at the same time? I'm sure it would do more than opening it, IT WOULD MELT IT!" Sam said.

"Oh, good idea, Sam! Why didn't I think of that?"

"H-Hey... M-Maybe we should think more about this... I mean there might be thousands of other solutions, a-and it would be bad if they get injured... We'd have to drag them ourselves if they cant move, because of course we can't just leave them here right?" Violette suggested.

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