Day One pt.2

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Raegan's pov

The rest of the day went on until lunch... the worst part of the day trying to find a place to sit. Luckily there was a empty table, I go and sit at it when a group of about five or six guys come up to me. "Get away from our table" one of the guys say. I recognize him from math. "No it's ok Damon why don't we let him sit with us." Another boy says and walks up to the table. Justin. "Why would we do that" Damon says. "Because he's the new kid Raegan. He needs some friends doesn't he?" Justin says very sure of it. "Right Raegan the new kid sorry." Damon apologizes. They all sit down Justin right next to me. Damon on the other side of Justin and the other four on the other side of the table. "So when did you move here" One kid asks me. "Last year." I say. "Oh then why are you just starting school here." The kid asks. "Danny that's not nice to ask why someone's just starting school!" Justin yells and kicks Danny in the leg. "Sorry I just wanted to know why he wasn't here last year." Danny exclaims. "It's ok I didn't come to this school last year because, I didn't go to school last year at all. Because I was really busy moving here from Maryland." I answer with no problem. "Oh so your parents just let you stay home all year." Another kid says. "Well no they don't know. See their still in Maryland. With my other siblings they didn't want me to move." I again explain." "Oh I guess that makes sense" he says again. "Alex and Danny stop bugging the poor kid" Just says. Damon. Danny. Alex. Justin. And the other two. "Oh by the way I'm Fynn and this is my boyfriend Kana. He's kinda shy so like ya."

Justin's pov

So I walked into the lunch room and there he was sitting at our table. So we walk up and Danny yells at him "Get away from our table."  So then we have this long conversation about him and why he moved here but I could tell he wasn't telling us the real reason why he moved here. But I let it go, should I have though? I don't know if it was smart to let it go. Because then this happened. "Hey Raegan want to come over to Justin's with us after school today" Fynn asks. Did he just!! Oh god this is bad. Now I don't want to say what we usually do, but it's not something I see Raegan doing. He's the new kid the innocent one. Or is he?!? Oh my god I need to stop overthinking and just go with the plan. "JUSTIN" Alex yells. Oh shot. I zoned out again. "Yes? Alex what is it" I respond trying to sound... I don't know. Like I'm paying attention. "Is it cool if Raegan tags along with us after school. "Danny and Fynn can I talk to you guys in the hallway." I ask with a it's kinda a bad situation look on my face. "Ya sure" they both say at the same time. They start laughing. Alex and Kana have a worried look in their faces. I give them a 'it's ok don't worry' look. When I get out there Danny asks "what is it, Jay?" "I don't know if Raegan coming with us is a good idea wh---" then I get cut off by Kana. "Guys?" "What is it baby?" Fynn asks with a really worried voice. "I don't feel good, at all I just want to sleep." He says "Well I go to go, text me the details" Fynn says as him and Kana walk towards the office.

Kana's pov

I haven't been feeling well today I don't know what it is, but it hits me hard at lunch. When Raegan sits with us. I felt like I was going to pass out right then and there but I didn't. I was all close and cuddly with Fynn; when Justin asks to talk him. When he leaves I fell really bad. I was going to pass out, so I get up and walk out of the cafeteria and find Fynn. When I tell him I don't fell good we start walking towards the office. And then I start to go all dizzy. And then the next thing I know is it's all black and I can hear people talking. And Fynn. Where is he? I need him. I can't live without him. Where is he? Where is he? That's the only thing I can think of. Then I hear him. "Let me come with!" He yells. What's going on? What does he mean 'let me come with'. Then I hear someone say "I'm sorry we can only let family come with not friends" "I'm not his friend! I'm his boyfriend! Now let me come with! He needs me!" Fynn yells. What's happening. I'm so confused. "Whatever just get in" I hear another voice say it's a man this time though. "Were not suppose to let him." The woman says. "I don't care we need to get him to the hospital." The man says. Then I hear foot steps beside me. Someone grabs my hand. Fynn.

So what do you guys think of this I know it's not the best but. I have lots of plans for this book. You guys want to know what they usually do after school? Read to find out. Comment your thoughts about my book so far. -unicorn💕

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