Chapter One

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Shawn's POV:

I was walking home from busking one night when something didn't seem right. I took my ear buds out and I heard rustling from the ditch. The sun was setting but I could still see a figure. All I heard was some grunting. As I moved in closer, I realized that there was someone there, and they were hurt.

She had a black eye, her hair was a mess and she looked terrified. She flinched when I put out my hand to help her out.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you..." I said trying not to scare her even more.

She put her small, delicate hand in mine, and I helped her out of the ditch. It was getting cold out so I gave her my jacket and we sat at the side of the ditch.

I took the time to analyze her. She was small, had brown hair and brown eyes, and had bruises all over her. I thought about asking her about the bruises, but decided otherwise.

We sat for ten minutes before I finally broke the silence

"What is your name?" was the simplest question I could think of,

"I, I don't know." She replied, barely audible.

Before I even had a chance to say anything back, I heard her sobs.

"I can't remember..." She whispered through her tears.

She looked at me straight in the eyes, as if she was looking for answers. I looked back at her tired eyes and realized something was not right.

It was getting dark and I realized I should be getting home soon. But I couldn't just leave her here so my only options would be to find out who she is and where she came from or bring her home with me.

"Hey it's getting pretty dark out, how about we walk over to my house and get you cleaned up." She simply nodded. We walked to my home in silence.

When we reached my house, I told her to sit on the couch while I put my guitar away. This was mostly so I could clear my head as to what I just did.

What was I thinking letting a complete stranger into my house? She doesn't even know who she is? But I was willing to let her stay here until she could at least remember something.

I can't say I wouldn't mind the company though. Ever since the accident a year ago, I'm not going to lie it's pretty lonely here by myself. Not that I really try to make an effort to meet anyone new but that's beside the point.

I put my guitar against the wall and changed into some pajama bottoms and an old t-shirt.

It didn't occur to me when I offered to let her stay here that she had nothing besides the clothes she was wearing. No wallet, no ID, no phone, nothing.

I turned around and grabbed another pair of my pajama pants and a t-shirt for her to wear.

I walked out into the living room and saw her sitting exactly where I left her.

"Hey, um, here are some pajamas if you want." I put the clothes on the sofa backed away.

She was hesitant at first but grabbed them and stood up.

"Bathroom is first door on the left." I said as she brushed past me.

I heard a "thank you" come out of her mouth, and for some reason I felt a small smile come up on my face.

I sat on the couch and waited for her to finish getting changed. The bathroom doorknob started twisting and I immediately stood up.

She walked out and was drowning in my clothes. My shirt was more like a dress and my pajama pants dragged on the floor on her tiny frame. She looked almost too embarrassed to look at me in the eye but I let out a small chuckle anyways. She sat down on the sofa with her legs crossed and faced towards me.

"My name is Shawn by the way. I don't think I properly introduced myself." My voice cracked.

"I would tell you my name, but I'm not too sure of it myself..." She spoke softly.

"Oh, well do you remember anything? Like why you were in a ditch? Do you even know what town you're in?"

She looked overwhelmed at all the questions I just asked. "Um, no, to everything..." She said back.

"Well let's start with a name. What do you want to be called?" I asked as casual as I could.

"Well I'm not sure. How about you name me? What do I look like to you?" She looked at me with her big brown eyes; I couldn't help but look intently back at her.

"You look like a... like a Rachel." I said the first name that came to mind, but not breaking eye contact.

"Then Rachel it is." She declared.

"Okay let's start over!" She was finally coming out of her shell.

"Hi, my name is Rachel." She said with a smile.

"Hi my name is Shawn." I couldn't help but smile back.

There was something about this girl; I can't figure out what it is, but I want to..


I hope you guys liked chapter one! (: Leave a comment of what you think! It inspires me to write more! (:

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