[2] By The Time I Get To Georgia...

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"Tell me where the Optirix is, or face the consequences!" The man threatened.

"I'm TELLING YOU!!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!" I wailed. I'm Georgia del Luna, and I woke up in Hell-on-earth. I just wanted to go home, I needed one of Mom's hugs, I wanted to talk with Emmy.

"LIAR!!!!!" he screamed, and slapped me. I let out a small sob, and the tear I ad been able to hold back broke out.




"G-g-g-g-GONE?" I stuttered. "No. NO! She not GONE, she's just spent the night at Heather's house without telling anybody, or she went-"

"Hey Emerald, Sprinkles." Manly MacMan-Tuffness strode in. Manly's Georgia's dad's dragon.

"Calypso!" Sprinkles corrected him.

"Stage one: Denial." Manly noted, seing my panic attack. "Yeah, whatever Sprinkles."

"Maybe she really IS gone..." I started. "But that means I'M A HORRIBLE DRAGON!!!!! I LET GEORGIA GET CAPTURED!!!" I broke down into into the dragon equivalent of breaking into tears, which was to start flying and banging my head against the wall, crying. Dragons only did this is major distress, for example when their master is away from them, or when they're in pain, or their master is being hurt.

"Stage two: Guilt." Sprinkles and Manly said in unison.

"Well, it isn't really MY fault, I didn't know!" I exclaimed.

"Stage three: Blame." They said.

I burst into dragon-tears again, and curled up in the corner furthest away rom everyone.

"Stage four: Uncontrollable sobbing and seclusion." they said.

I walked back out into the open and sat down and slept. Just before I drifted off, I heard Spribnkles and Manly say, "Stage five: Relaxation and acceptance."

*** SOO???? WHADDAYA THINK?????? I have had this part in my head for a while, but I haven't had the time to write it out! For me to post the next chapter, I just wanna know how to vote something!!! Also, the song for this chapter is Just a Dream by Carrie Underwood! Mostly its referring to Georgia's devastation at being kidnapped and Emmy's sorrow at georgia being kidnapped. ***

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2010 ⏰

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