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Author of 3 Stories
Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Harry P. - Reviews: 142 - Updated: 02-07-12 - Published: 07-27-09 - id:5252815
Come What May
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter works belong to J.K. Rowling.
Mildly Inspired by Knowledge is Power by Fetucini
Chapter 01: Something Wicked This Way Comes
An old man laid on a bed in a room dimly lit by a dying fire in the fireplace. His eyes flickered opened. They were completely silver in color giving the old man a mystical appearance. He narrowed his eyes as he got up from the bed. He felt something.
He slowly walked out of the chamber into his main storefront. Thousands of boxes lay in cupboards. Each of these boxes had within them something every child dreamed of. A magic wand. Each of these wands had a unique feel to them. For the old man, they were his children and his name was Ollivander.
He stepped out of the shop into the cool dark night of an empty alley. If one were to visit this alley during the day, they would find it busy with witches, wizards and magical creatures of all ages and kinds.
He felt the air around him with his hand as if he could touch an invisible being. "Hmmm… Something has changed." A creepy smile lit his face as he muttered to himself. "Something wicked this way comes."
In a town called Little Whinging, Surrey, there was a lane by the name Privet Drive. Like many lanes in this town, the houses in this lane were abnormally normal. But unlike any other lane in any other town in any other world, this lane housed a boy by the name Harry James Potter.
Number 4 Privet Drive, like many houses had a garden, a yard and a nice car parked in front of it. But unlike any other house, it also had a boy living in its cupboard under the stairs.
Petunia Dursley was a woman with blonde hair, a horse like neck and was in her mid thirties. She rapped on the cupboard door. "Up! Get up! Now!"
Inside the cupboard a young Harry Potter woke up with a start. He was having a nice dream. A dream he had many times in which he was with his parents and they were all happy. He always felt sad that he couldn't see their faces, but he got the feeling they loved him dearly. Unfortunately for Harry he lost his parents when he was one year old. They died in a car crash leaving Harry with his detested relatives.
"Up! Did you get up?" screeched his aunt Petunia.
Harry rolled his eyes and sat up on his thin cot. He put on his broken glasses and looked into a small broken mirror he salvaged a few years back. He had brilliant green eyes and messy jet-black hair, which he really liked. But today he felt different. Something had changed within him. He always remembered being terrified of something, of the screams from people he couldn't see.