Part 20

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"Harry, when am I going to meet your mother that Louis speaks so highly of?" Jay asks as she and Harry begin to make breakfast. "Well actually she's been asking to meet you as well. So I'm sure it'll be in no time." Harry replied. "Well good, would you be a darling and ask Louis to get up?" She asked Harry with a kind smile. Harry can't help but feel worry in the pit of his stomach. Maybe he should have stayed in bed with louis, maybe Louis is hurt? Though he's probably overthinking. Besides, his Loubear isn't a morning person. Harry walked down the hall to where Louis' room was, expecting to see his little omega curled up on the bed. Though he regained his fear when he found that Louis was in fact, not in his bed.

Louis was currently in the bathroom, being sick. Louis sat on the cold floor, continuing to heave nothing into the toilet when the door opened and Harry was by his side. "Louis, are you okay?" Harry asked dumbly staring down at his now agitated boyfriend. "Does it look like i'm okay?! Harry, I feel like shit! Im so dizzy and i'm vomiting everywhere. Of course i'm not okay!" Louis began to cry. Harry didn't know what to do. Louis had never shown this side before. "I'll get you some water baby." Harry assured his distressed omega. Harry walked out into the kitchen and ushered Louis mother to help bring him comfort.


The two weeks of holidays that they'd had so far was great. They Louis hoped the rest of his summer would go just as well. Louis knew laying in bed all day, thinking, wasn't very productive, he wondered why his mother hadn't woken him up yet. Louis rolled over, expecting to see Harry still sleeping next to him. Though Harry wasn't there. Louis sat up, searching his room, hoping to find Harry. Louis began to feel sick, he knew Harry was probably on the toilet, he shouldn't be worrying this much. Harry wouldn't leave him. Louis stood, wincing as his warm feet met the cold floorboards. 

He toddled sleepily down the hallway, to the bathroom. He knocked on the door before opening it. When he saw his mate wasn't in the bathroom either, the sick feeling in his stomach grew. Though Louis didn't suspect that he was actually sick until he felt it coming up his throat. Louis rushed over to the toilet bowl and let it all out. He began to feel dizzy and he continued to heave even after he brung up all that the could. Louis was happy to see Harry enter the room, though he kept dry heaving. Louis felt Harry kneel down next to him and rub his back, and he felt grateful. "Louis, are you okay?" Harry asked and louis felt himself grow angry at the stupid question. "Does it look like i'm okay?! Harry, I feel like shit! Im so dizzy and i'm vomiting everywhere. Of course i'm not okay!" Louis began to cry. He didn't want to be crying, or angry at Harry, who was only trying to help. But Louis felt sick and dizzy and he didn't want to be in his own body right now. "I'll get you some water baby." Harry assured as he left the room.

Harry came back in with a glass of water as promised, but Louis' mother came in not far behind Harry. "Lou, what's happening?" She asked taking the water from harry and handing it to her son. Louis rolled his eyes. His mother wasn't an actual doctor, just a midwife. Harry probably thought she could help. Louis couldn't help but chuckle at his adorable, caring alpha. There wasn't a moment where he didn't feel lucky to have Harry. "It's nothing mum, i'm just a little ill." Louis declared after taking a sip from the water, soothing his throat. "Louis, it the middle of summer, you shouldn't be ill." She spoke worriedly placing the back of her hand on Louis's forehead checking for a temperature. 

Louis was meant to hang out with Niall today so he hoped that he wasn't sick. "Louis, I can cancel this interview if you want me to stay here with you?" Harry asked, standing above Louis and his mum. "No Harry, you should go. I hope you do well" Louis assured the alpha who simply nodded and placed a kiss on his omegas forehead. "Make sure you let me know if he gets any worse" Harry told Louis' mother, kissing her cheek before leaving. 

"Okay Louis, now that Harry is gone, I want to ask you some questions." Louis is pulled up from where he was sat next to the toilet, and he was guided to the lounge room. "I mean, it could be nothing, but the timing seems to match so.." Louis mother handed him a plain biscuit and sat across from him on the lounge. "Yeah okay, but Niall is coming over soon." Louis spoke, nibbling at the biscuit. "Oh great, can you give me your phone for a minute?" She asked holding her hand out expectantly. Louis furrowed his eyebrows and placed his phone in her hand, watching as she messaged someone, locked the phone then placed it next to her. "So first of all. How are you feeling right now?" She questioned and Louis wondered where this was all going. He hoped she didn't tell Niall he couldn't come over. "I've been feeling a little dizzy lately, but I only felt sick this morning." Louis shrugged taking another biscuit from the open pack that sat open on the table. "Right, well sweetheart, can you tell me if you used protection when you were going through your last heat with Harry?" Louis felt his cheeks heat up at his mother's questioning. 

"Um, well no, but thats not important." Louis mumbled as he finished his second biscuit. "Well honey, it very well could be important" Louis's mother uttered before there was a knock at the door. She got up and opened it to reveal Niall with a plastic bag panting. "Your lucky I was at the shops when you texted" Niall lent over, trying to catch his breath. "Whats going on mum?" Louis asked, now getting worried. "Does he not kno-" Niall was cut off by Louis's mum shushing him. "Louis. I'm not going to beat around the bush here. I think you're pregnant"


Side Note:
So thats it.  I hope everyone enjoyed the book. Thank you everyone who votes and comments, its so nice to see that people enjoy something you do.
I'm in the midst of beginning to write the sequel. I'll publish it a little later. It'll be an Mpreg!Louis story, so i'm excited to write it. I've never done mpreg before, and Im super keen, so I hope you'll all continue with the next book.

And i'd particularly like to give my gratitude to  indiloveslarry, for giving being the first to take interest in the book and give me encouragement to keep on writing it. Without you, i probably wouldn't have continued, so thank you heaps! It meant a lot that you commented  and asked me to keep writing. I needed the push :)

I'll make sure to let you all know when I begin to publish.
Thanks guys! :) xx

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