chapter 20

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Luca's p.o.v

It's been many moons since we was captured by this illusion dragon he got me first with an illusion of juvia and he got juvia with an illusion of me we've been tortured and I've been on deaths door juvia is in a cell with cuffs on so she can't transform and is in the top of a tower where as I am not allowed out of my form and am tortured day and night so juvia will be safe it's been almost a year since my dad became one of my spirits and I sent him to the rest of my keys a day ago with an s.o.s call I hope they get this one I really hope I see him come in " ah hello who are you going to torture me as today " I said " actually I thought I'd make you beg so I had storm bring her down " I saw juvia " LET HER GO " I yell ' no juvia ... I failed to protect you ' I thought as I am forced to see my friend be beaten

Zerefs p.o.v

" I don't get it who's keys are they " grey said another one appeared and it was glowing Lucy picked it up and gave it to me they were all silver and had different colours on them this one was all black I touched it a dragon appeared "WHAT THE " natsu yelled    " hello I am achnolochia my daughter and her maiden friend have been captured Luca bless he heart has been tortured every night and threw out the day for this past year by the illusion dragon metalicana mate lyra the water dragon brought you the message of them been in danger I have come to bring Zerefs dragneel the son of igneel the celestial mage Lucy heartfillia the ice demon grey full buster please I beg you save my children I think the water god as my daughter too please " he begged us I climbed on his back grey behind me " you two coming or shall we go alone " I said " I can't since I have three broken bones " Lucy said tossing me the keys and walked over Wendy fixed her " alright let's go " she said climbing on and natsu behind his beloved gajeel and Wendy as well as romeo and levy climbed on " were coming too she was our dragon first " Wendy and levy said in unison " LET'S GO "the dragon took off " wow this feels great I haven't been up here in years " I said I was sat cradling the keys I noticed a mercury key my eyes widen " oh my god THESE ARE LUCA'S KEYS LOOK MINI'S KEY HOW DID WE NOT REALISE " I shout we saw a Islands up ahead " I'll leave you on the water island that is were your friends are been held " he said we land and he disappeared the key stopped glowing I attached it to my belt with the others luce and natsu were one team me and grey another the other two teams were levy and gajeel and Wendy and romeo I heard a roar we all hide close to each other " that stupid ice dragon he disappeared just like achnolochia " a tower glee the top did " I heard a familiar roar it was definitely a female dragon I took off the roar was luckier she had the ice dragon it all makes sense they are making contracts with her I noticed all the keys on my belt glew up and shot off a group off dragons appeared  all of the keys were dragons mini appeared in armor " LET'S GET BACK OUR EMPRESS DRAGONS PICK A HUMAN AND HELP THEM " there others all took a dragon everyone was in a group of one dragon and one human there were three dragons left " I am lyra this is Cole and you know arc as we all call him " the girl spoke a pink dragon appears from around the corner " I would like to become a follower of the dragon empress and become one of her spirts " she sounded Russian " Lillian you know you are welcome " she glew up and a silver and pink key appeared all they keys wee on he floor I picked them up I noticed a door " I want you four to go home " I said the door was huge then again so was the tower

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