Chapter 19

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Otis's POV
Her excitement at something so simple as synchronized doors made me almost forget the rather heavy story I had yet to complete. Even when I did finish the story I wasn't sure if I would be able to tell everything, somethings can't be told, some secrets should never see the light of day.

Olympia reached for the radio intent on breaking the comfortable silence. The music was a welcome distraction from everything that was running through my head including but not limited to everything I stood to loose should Octavious win.

We both jammed out to Something Like This, each time the chorus came up Olympia would, jokingly of course point at me, and my only thought was what if I'm not what you would expect, what happens when I have those superhuman gifts? What happens then?

I looked at Olympia and worried as I did so well. When she looked back at me she smiled and nothing mattered enough to bring me down. when the time came she would understand why I did everything I did. It would turn out all okay.

It was not my past that I should be thinking about but instead the next battle.

The time had come I was pulling into the lot of yet another park.

As we got out of the car I could feel the excitement flowing off of Olympia in waves. That and something much less happy coming from deep within the forested part of the park, it was menacing and... familiar. It seemed Olympia too felt the presence as she bolted headlong into the forest

I sighed and followed my overly excited partner into the foliage. She was running quickly without tiring and keeping pace made me work but as we approached the center of the park we saw our opponent and dread filled me spilling and pooling in my stomach.

"Hello Otis, you are still going by that ridiculous name, are you not?"

Sorry I made you wait for this chapter. Anyway, there may be over this coming month more updates like this because I have color guard tryouts and drivers ed on top of the rest of my life, translated as; I ain't got no time but when drivers ed ends I will begin regular updates once again.

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