day fifty three

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Byun Baekhyun, day fifty three 16:23

When I woke up 3 hours ago I decided it was time. I needed to find Junmyeon --and, preferably, everyone else as well-- and we needed to get this plan underway. For 5 days that screaming has been haunting me, more so than what Kyungsoo and I did to the guards. For all I know, those men deserved it. Whoever's locked inside that room doesn't deserve any false hope and so it was up to me to help them.
I did my best to channel the energy in the room so as to open the door. To my surprise, after several minutes and a growing headache, they slowly pried open. I dashed out of my room quickly. As I ran through the halls I took careful notice of the room numbers. Much like the trays, there were gaps. It took a while for me to realize that I was moving up instead of down as I spotted room number 10. I ran back down the hall and came at a crossroads. Something was pulling me straight ahead and without really thinking, I gave in to it.
Something about the hallway seemed colder, not just physically but it was almost as if frost was seeping into my brain. I felt my movements getting stiffer as I traveled deeper. It wasn't until I almost lost all feeling in my arm that I thought of turning back. Something was definitely off about that place.
Just before turning around, I caught a glimpse of a two digit number on one of the doors. It was gone so soon that I couldn't register it and I had no mind to turn back around and confirm what it was.
I reached the crossroads with a burning sensation in my limbs, like someone had placed them in dry ice. Instead of letting it stop me I set a fast pace down the right hand hallway. Thanks to Junmyeon being number 01, his was the first door I saw. I found it strange that I passed 3 doors before reaching his. It was almost as if he wasn't the first person with that number.
I shook off the thought and took a deep breath, preparing myself to open Junmyeon's door. I had some idea regarding what I was doing after what I managed with my own door. The headache mixed with the pain of whatever happened in the last hallway to create a searing, pulsing sensation that ripped through my head.
It was just starting to get unbearable when suddenly, the door cracked slightly open. I let myself smile ever so slightly as the door slowly inched open. I managed to get it about a quarter of the way open when I saw two hands gripping the side of it. At first I was shocked but when I caught a glimpse of Junmyeon's determined face I felt more relaxed.
He suddenly let go and squeezed his way out. The second all of him was standing in the hallway with me, I let go of the door. It fell back in place loudly and with it, I felt myself fall against the wall and slide down it. Junmyeon's voice barely registered with me but I noticed the worried tone.
"Just... need... to breathe." I managed to squeeze out. Instead of replying he sat down next to me. Something told me it was to make sure I didn't faint and I was thankful. Before that moment I hadn't really registered how draining it was to use my powers. I'd only accessed them a handful of times and never actually on purpose. In that moment I was certain that were it to come down to using my powers or failing to escape, both would most definitely end with me back in my room. The thought in itself was terrifying and almost made me want to give up right then and there. That is, until Junmyeon spoke again.
"Are you okay?" He asked sincerely. I couldn't help the warm feeling spreading in my chest. Something about the obvious care in his tone comforted me. I nodded in reply but the worried look on his face didn't soften, I observed from the corner of my eye.
"I'm okay, I promise." I gave him a weak smile that didn't appear to reassure him but he nodded either way.
"Why did you come now?" He asked and I couldn't help but look at him with question. "I mean, it's not like we're in any way equipped to be--" his voice lowered to a whisper "--breaking out." I shrugged in reply.
"I just couldn't wait any longer, Junmyeon. There's something really off about this place. And there's someone I need to help." He snorted at my confession.
"Are you really fit to be helping anyone in this state?" The laughter that escaped my lips was involuntary.
"I guess you're right. Can't hurt to try though."
"Here I'm pretty sure it can, Baekhyun." His words were solemn and I felt the weight of them hang over me. After only a few seconds, Junmyeon stood up and extended his hand to me. I looked up at him which only caused him to wave his hand in front of me. "C'mon." He urged and I finally grabbed hold of it, letting him pull me to my feet.
"Where are we going?" I asked, dumbfounded by Junmyeon's sudden actions.
"We're going to wherever we have to go in order to help whoever we need to help." He told me, gesturing for me to lead the way.
"Yes, we." He said with a playful roll of his eyes. "We're a team, all of us. You, me, Sehun, Jong-squared and whoever else you've met whether I've met them or not. We're in this together, Baekhyun, a team."
"Alright," I said with a smile, "a team. I can work with that."
"Now, are you going to show me what we're up against or do I have to figure it out for myself?" We walked back down the hallway I had come from and I tried to remember every detail.
"Currently, a door." I said, stopping Junmyeon dead in his tracks.
"A door?" He asked incredulously. "The big, scary thing we're up against is a door?"
"Don't mock the doors, trying to open two nearly just killed me." I defended the threat. Junmyeon sighed deeply, shaking his head as he continued walking.
Each hallway and stairwell we walked through seemed more winding than memory had led me to believe as we neared the place someone was being detained in.

Eventually, we reached the end of the tedious road which had left both of us slightly short of breath.

"Alright, so," Junmyeon started, "despite your brilliant effort, there has got to be a better way to open the doors and preferably several at a time." It sounded more like he was thinking out loud rather than talking to me so I thought it best not to reply. "I think Jongdae can help but I can't remember how." He muttered under his breath, emphasizing it by looking me dead in the eye.
"I have no fucking clue, thinking is your job." His lips turned downwards along with his gaze as he started pacing back and forth.
We were both startled when the sound of fast paced footsteps started echoing towards us. It didn't take long for us both to start running back to our rooms, pure instincts leading the way up every winding staircase and through every copy-paste hallway. I didn't even fully register the scenery --not that there was much of it-- in favor of my heaving breaths and the clicking sounds my shoes made as they hit the floor. Everything passed by in a blur until suddenly, I was alone somewhere in this maze of a building.


Thank you all for your encouraging words, I still have a lot of schoolwork to get through but I finished this so I decided to just post it. Are you getting excited?

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