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Why can't we all just live life with nothing to worry about. Why can't people just be people and not have to butt in to every thing. My school is not easy at all it's not because the class are hard it because the people that are in those class make things hard for every one. Girls at are school hurt them self because they have drama well in stead of crying and hurting your self because of drama grab it by is horns and pull fight back for what you believe in I'm steed of giving up and hurting your self be strong and show every eon what you can do well I guess you want to no we're this book is getting to. Well it the fact that drama came up be hide me and stabbed me in the back. And took all my friends with it and now I'm the out cast no one talks to me and all my friends hate me because I'm the one not talking to them give me a brake your the one that goes all depression mood on me when I'm with you and all my friends keep tell me that they need a brake well I need a brake give me a brake all they want is to get ride of me some times I see why they hurt them selfs some times I think it would be better if I was dead but I remember the people that really love me and care about me I only have really friends and a boyfriend that I no he loves me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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