Chapter 1-Part 2 of 2

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Hey Wattpadders!

Here's the second part of chapter 1..... sorry for leaving you in suspence!




... you're an animal spirit."

" What???" I said, combing my fingers though my dark brown hair (a thing I did when I was puzzled).

" I'm going to dumb this down for you if it helps... YOU AN ANIMAL SPIRIT! OK?"

I stood there, dumbstruck at what my pet monkey had just said. *How could this be*

"Well, you know how yesterday was your 15th birthday?"

"Yeah...... but what does that have to do with me being an animal spirit?"

"Every few centurys, one of the many Earth's spirits die and another is born. You are just lucky enough to be one!"

"But why haven't I seen any sign of this until this morning?"

"A spirit does not gain any of their powers until their 15th birthday. That's why you didn't notice anything. After your party you were soo tired, you almost passed out brushing you teeth!"

"And who are you, the all knowing queen of spirit facts?"

"Sadly, No. But the Spirit Queen will speak to you now."

Suddenly my eyes rolled into my head and my body fell to the floor.


I woke up in a Garden. *How did I get here? This isn't my bedroom! How did this happen?*

"Be calm young animal spirit. I do not wish to do you any harm" a voice said from behind me.

I turned to see who it was. It was a woman not much taller than my 5' 3" self. She was slender and her hair was and honey color, framing her face in ringlets. She was wearing a pale blue and lavender gown that flattered her figure. All in all, she was gorgeous.

"I am Rei, Queen of all spirits of the over and under world. I have a quest for you young animal spirit."

"First of all, I have a name. It's Rima. And Secondly, why have you taken me to this place?"


Hope you enjoyed that.

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Kule9876 xox

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2010 ⏰

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