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Katia's PoV

Finally, I get a weekend all to myself! At least, that's what I was hoping for. But the pile of homework in front of me says otherwise. Honestly, why did I ever think going to school to become a nurse would be a good idea?

Oh, that's right... because Tenn needs someone with high-level medical knowledge who he can trust, and who won't ask questions. Well, if it's for him, then... I suppose I can't really complain. I am madly in love with him, after all. If only he weren't so oblivious.

The pile of homework on my desk seems to have a voice, taunting me as it eats up my weekend. And I had been hoping to ask Tenn to go to the movies with me on Sunday, too! Bummer...

I ignore the weekend-eating beast and fall backwards onto my bed, grabbing my phone off my nightstand in the process. I stare up at the little screen, hoping against all hope that maybe Tenn texted me and I just didn't hear the notification.

As usual, no such luck. He hardly ever texts me without me initiating the conversation. For someone so sweet and gentlemanly, he sure is socially inept, jeez.

My phone suddenly vibrates, catching me off guard as it chirps out a cute-sounding alert tone. I fumble my phone for a moment, but end up unsuccessful and drop it on my face. I grunt and pick it up, flopping onto my stomach.

It takes me a second, but I realize that the text isn't from Tenn, but that creepy zombie-dude he lives with. I forget his name for a heartbeat before my phone reminds me that his name is Ash.

My eyes dance over the text, and slowly my eyes begin to widen. I'm used to Tenn occasionally texting me in a panic, asking me questions about how to treat minor stab wounds and light concussions. I'm not a dumb blonde like most people think I am: I put two and two together. From the texts to all the unexplained injuries he shows up with, I guessed what was going on. Ash was abusing him, obviously. I've brought it up, and Tenn always dances around the subject, not confirming nor denying my suspicions.

This text was a lot like those panicked texts I get from Tenn every so often, except this time, it was a whole lot worse.

Major stab wound in the abdomen, near his stomach... signs of a serious concussion... multiple incisions in his torso... fever... possible infection...

Ash never texts me. If he ever has something to say to me, he usually has Tenn let me know. But if Tenn isn't even well enough to text me himself... I shake my head as if to scare away the worst case scenarios.

My phone chimes again as another text comes in, this time the cheerful alert tone seems to mock the situation. It's another text from Ash. I read it, eyes wide. My fears are confirmed.

Bleeding out... don't know how long he'll last... bad condition... makeshift stitches won't hold in the blood...

This isn't a job for me alone. Tenn needs to be taken to a hospital. Ash probably won't do it himself, so it's up to me to get Tenn there myself. I send a simple "On my way" to Ash before jumping off of my bed. I grab my advanced first aid kit after pulling on shoes and a jacket, and I dash out the door.

The chilly air bites at my cheeks as soon as I step outside, and I'm grateful I decided to wear long pants even though I was sure I was going to spend my day indoors studying. I hail the closest cab and jump inside, almost shouting Ash and Tenn's address at the driver.

As the cab takes me to Tenn's apartment, I bite my lip. What would I do if Tenn was dead by the time I got there? What if this was a trap set up by Ash, and Tenn's already dead? What if he just wants another victim, a live victim?

Once more, I force myself to take a deep breath. I won't let myself jump to conclusions like this. It's not healthy.

We pull up near a familiar darkened alley, home to Ash and Tenn's apartment, and I thrust money at the cab driver before nearly leaping out of the vehicle. I dart into the alleyway and into the apartment building. I find Ash and Tenn's apartment and pound on the door. No one answers, so I turn the handle. It opens easily, and I step inside.


No answer. I prepare myself for the worst.


Ash's voice catches me off guard, and I almost fall over. "Ash! Yeah, it's me!"

Ash's head pops out of the hallway. I haven't seen his face in a while, and it surprises me once again how ghoulish he looks. "Katia, good. Right this way, he's over here."

I'm still suspicious of Ash, but I can't risk letting Tenn die. I follow him down the hallway. "How is he?"

He leads me into a room, and sure enough, I'm greeted with Tenn. He's laying on a bed, clutching fistfuls of sheets as he shuts his eyes tightly and breathes through his clenched teeth. He's wrapped head to toe in bandages, and there's obviously still a lot of bleeding despite them. They're deep crimson, which is definitely not a good sign.

"Oh, gosh. What happened to him?" I look at Ash quizzically, but realize it probably wasn't the best question to ask.

He looks right at me, and his dull gray eyes are void of all emotion. "I stabbed him. And kicked him. Oh, and I pushed him over into a few things, too."

My breath catches in my throat. I'm not that surprised, but I really shouldn't have asked. "R-Right. Well, he needs to go to a hospital. I can't fix him on my own." I maintain eye contact with Ash, refusing to be afraid.

His brow furrows a bit, and he puts a hand on Tenn's forehead. Almost immediately, Tenn grabs onto Ash's wrist, like a child. "He hates hospitals. He hates them a lot. He begged me not to take him to one."

"Do you want him to be fixed or not? I'm only in training to become a nurse. He needs an experienced doctor, maybe even a team of them." I shrug and tilt my head. "Your choice, Ash. But if you make the wrong choice, I'll call an ambulance, and they're less likely than I am to act calmly when you tell them the truth about Tenn's injuries."

His head snaps around and he glowers at me. "No need to call anyone. I can get him to a hospital. You're sure there's nothing you can do?"

I glower right back. "No! I already told you that, stupid." He seems taken aback my sharpness, because his irritated expression relents into one of surprise. "He needs a hospital, and you're going to drive him there. Do you have a car?"

"Eh? No."

I raise my eyebrows. "What?! You said you could get him to a hospital!"


My heart runs cold with fear. "Okay, now I'm sure you're trying to kill Tenn."

The glare returns, this time he looks even angrier than before. "Don't joke about that."

"Don't stab him and then we'll talk. Honestly, look at him and tell me how you plan to get him to a hospital on a motorcycle in his condition."

He turns and looks Tenn up and down, then looks back at me with a deadpan expression. "Easily."

"He's bleeding to death."

"Hospital's not that far."

I throw up my hands in frustration. "Fine! Go ahead! I'm taking a taxi."

"I can fit three."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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