At The Signing

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(Andy Black Imagine)
War paint in check...shirt in the picture ready to in check. You was TERRIFIED. This was your life...your happiness....your WORLD. You kept these thoughts going as the line inched closer.

You looked down at your high waisted black shorts with frayed ends and all black high top converse thinking of how to word your sentences when it was your turn.

You soon walked up to andy who was just doing a solo signing and smiled wide. Your heart was pounding and you set the picture down shakily.

"I-its very n-nice to meet you have helped me a-a lot." You managed to choke out

He stood up saying "awww" and hugged you tightly. You took in the sweet smell of his cologne and his warm embrace smiling and tearing up.

When he pulled away from the hug he looked at you and wiped my tear saying:

"Don't cry dear....go to the end of the line.....ill see you when you get back up here"

You nodded with a sniffle and went to the back of the line after another short hug. You couldn't believe this was happening. He really wanted me to come back? Was it cause he felt bad? Soon these thoughts were too overwhelming and you fell back as everything went black.


Bright lights and cushiony feeling was the first two things that came to you when you awoke. You sat up groggy and looked around rubbing my eyes. Soon you was greeted by Andys bright blue eyes as he crouched down by you.

"Need a drink or maybe a pain killer? Seems like you hit your thinker hard." His eyes filled with sympathy.

"Uhm....a drink would be nice thank you I'm gonna....head to the nearest bathroom?" you say in a questioning way hoping he would tell me where the bathroom was.

"The door right behind you" he pointed with a smile.

As you stood up my legs were like twigs in a strong wind. Andy rushing over to your side. He walked you over to the bathroom and you shut it behind you carefully so it wouldn't slam. When you looked in the mirror you thought..HOLY SHIT (y/n) YOU LOOK LIKE HELL!.... Your war paint smeared and your mascara running into it probably from your little cry earlier. You decided to wash it all off before coming out.

When you came back there was a glass of water on the table close the couch that had a big fuzzy blanket on it. Andy smiled at you patting the couch for you to sit down. You sat down with a smile taking a sip of your ice cold water.

You watch movies and get to know each other better....this was one of many memories to come...

Ok ok so this was based off the time I met Andy at my aunts house (go to my ig g.r.a.c.e_m.e.y.e.r and ill send a video of proof that I personally know andy fracking biersack from a family thing ill explain over private message) and I fainted in the kitchen. Just this was a little more "fantasized" as if it were a signing at a public place. Read my book "the boy your parents didn't aprrove of" if your into Gerard Way!! Hope you like it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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