Long Live The Prince

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He slid back the slot. A pair of frighteningly bright green eyes stared back at him. The irises were studded with diamond implants.

"Oh-- oh," Jenx said. His hand shook as he opened the door. "Y-- you're--"

"Yes. Is anyone else here?" The tall man peered around him into the apartment. He wrinkled his nose. "I suppose not."

The man strode in. Jenx stepped aside, still not sure quite what to say. The man looked into the Aux room, briefly. Turning back to Jenx, he asked, "It's off?"

Jenx nodded. His mouth was dry.

"Good, good," said the man. He looked down at Jenx, with a mild smile. "You are Master Jenx, designer?"

Jenx nodded again.

"Then I was right. Suffice it to say, I need your help," the man said. He went to the window and pushed aside the curtain. "They're after me, you know."

"You? You-- you mean, tonight?"

"Yes," said the man. "Their own prince, at their own party. I trust it is to be a spectacular scandal. They've been planning it for months, I suppose."

"But-- you're the prince! You'll have security!"

Prince Florzel stared hard at him. Then he shook his head. "It's the party, my dear. No one's safe. And someone plans to kill me. Which is why," he said, "I need the help of the best designer in the host district."

"Me? But it's just a hobby," Jenx said.

"Oh, stop with the false modesty. It's all over arcAdia. Avoiding an ex? Go to Jenx. I need a disguise."

"Well, sir," Jenx said, turning towards the closet, "it's rather short notice. The party's just an hour away. What style are you going for?"

"I don't care about style. Just make it concealing. I might be known in the tabloids for my 'casual cool,' but I assure you I do not greet death with open arms," Prince Florzel said.

"Alright," Jenx said. "I think I have just the thing. I was saving it for All Soul's Night, but I can make another, of course."

He pressed print. Layer by layer, a dark suit grew in the closet. It was finished with a half-mask with a long bird's beak.

"Hm," said the prince, "that will do nicely. Thank you, Master Jenx. You do not disappoint."

The prince stepped into the suit and pulled the mask over his face. "I'll be on my way now. Here, take this." He took Jenx's wrist and transferred 9000 bits into the credit account embedded in his skin. "I trust that will keep you discreet."

Jenx could barely muster a thank you. Prince Florzel half-smiled under the mask and went out the front door.

Jenx stood in his room for a while. He looked down at his account. Yes. That had all happened. He had saved the prince from assassination. With a baroque mask and a fairly nice tux.

Outside, the soft hum of an electric car echoed down the empty streets.

He returned to the aux room and reconnected.

> MastrJxX: Back.

> Grinn8mr: Lmaooo that was long... what were you doing, taking a dump??

Jenx hesitated.

>MastryJxX: Yeah.

>Sexiboi: Without me ;)))

>Sexiboi: Wait.

>Sexiboi: I thought he was going to say shower.


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