Chapter One "New Wolf" part 1

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Chapter One:

                                         PART ONE

Shape Shift- Isaac's father is murdered by a strange creature. Scott discovers Isaac is now a werewolf. Isaac is then taken into custody for his father's murder. When it is revealed that the werewolf hunters are going to kill Isaac, Scott, Stiles and Derek plan to save him, as he is innocent. At the jail, Isaac transforms and breaks out, advancing on Stiles and Lindsay. Derek, being the Alpha werewolf, is able to force him into submission before Scott and Isaac have to go head to head. Lindsay will finally learn what lerks in the dark but only half of whats going on. ( all of this is a recap of the episode but added information that mixes Lindsay in to it)

Lindsay P.O.V

Stiles had been staying at the hospital the entire week after school waiting for Lydia to wake up. I really didn’t understand why he liked her so much especially since she never once paid attention to my brother. Today was no exception as my brother started the jeep and drove home to only get changed. “I’ll see you later Lindsay,” Stiles shouted as he ran out the door with the keys to his jeep to only drive off towards the hospital. Rolling my eyes, I made my way downstairs in a red tank top and shorts to only look through the fridge for something to eat. “I’m all alone in this house,” I sighed as I grabbed a pack of hot dogs to only set them down before reaching into the fridge once more to take out a couple of eggs to make  an omelet. My dad the sheriff of Beacon Hills had arrived and I just turned the heat down to only rush towards the door smiling. 

Daddy!” I cried as my arms wrapped aorund his neck making him laugh as he caught me. “Well how’s my angel doing?” he asked as he just set his keys down as I just dropped down explaining how school was alright and Stiles rushed off to the hospital. He just sighed before asking “Isn’t it too late for breakfast,” he joked making me laugh as I just told him “I didn’t know what to cook,” I quickly flipped the hot dog on its back. We talked here and there as I ate before he had to leave because of an emergency. Kissing me on the forehead, dad just left me once again alone. “What is it with this town,” I sighed as cleaned up downstairs before heading upstairs to only break out a book.

In a few hours my brother arrived with dad explaining how they found Lydia naked. I just covered my mouth trying not to laugh at how she could have possibly be comfortable running around naked. My brother just blabbed about how I would have done something like that making me yell at him for being an idiot suggesting that. I just turned in to bed after kissing my dad on the cheek good night. Inside my room I just jumped in to bed to only turn of the lamp at my night stand just sighing as I pulled the sheets up to my neck. “Beacon Hills you sure are crazy,” I mumbled as she fell asleep through the night. Every so often I swore my brother would be up and stepping in to my room checking up on me but it might have been my imagination. 

The next morning, I grabbed my clothes for the day to lay them out on the bed. Making my way to the bathroom I just rushed quickly beating Stiles. “I’m first,” I teased as I slammed the door in his face. “Come on! I don’t even take that long!” he cried out as he put his hands up groaning. “Beat me tomorrow morning,” I hollered as I turned the shower on to jump inside to wash myself. Half an hour passed and I was all fresh and clean for the day. Stepping out, I just passed by my brother as he rushed inside getting ready. Slipping on a cute polo with a polka doted sweat shirt over and jeans the brunette head downstairs to greet dad. He just had a quick breakfast before leaving the two siblings by themselves.

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