Chapter 2

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My stomach clenched on instinct as I watched the last of the sun disappear beneath the horizon. It was late.

Too late.

I knew; I shouldn’t have been out. I shouldn’t have been there. In the dark, the deserted roads of London. All that could be heard was the whistle of the wind as it beat against the boarded windows of shops and houses.

Why did you leave it so late?

I clutched my blackberry harder in my hand, my fist shaking with the first beats of fear into my system. I should call my mum. I have to call her. I have to tell her where I am... so they don’t-


I winced, my heart thudding so hard within my chest I was sure it would burst right out, showering me with the gut wrenching fear that ravaged at my system.

“Holy shit, check it out! Fresh meat,” the voice was male, young, possibly a teenager.

But he wasn’t alone.

Four of them, their skin the lightest of a green tinge. They were new.

They want me.

“P-please,” I begged, my body going numb, my limbs working on sheer adrenaline as I backed into an alleyway, hoping to hide within the shadows. Hoping to outrun them.

I turned, the smallest inch of a movement. He was already there. His scarlet tinged eyes mocked me, his pointed teeth smiling aggressively at my young form. “Looky ‘ere guys, we got us a good meal for once.”

I blinked and then they were all there. Staring at me, breathing in my scent.

“You’re pretty young ain’t ya sweet cheeks?” it was another one that spoke this time. Slightly older, his skin darker. Experienced. Lethal.

They all wore black hoodies, their hair cut in the same fashion. Like it was cool to be what they were. To ravage on humans like beasts.

“I th-thought you w-were slow.” I barely whispered. I could feel the tears streaming down my eyes, my body had gone completely numb. I was shuddering uncontrollably, wishing I was anywhere but there.

The eldest one laughed. A sickening sound. I felt light headed as his fingers twined around my shoulder staying there like a vice, crushing the bones beneath my flesh. I wanted to scream.

“Betcha thought we yelled out ‘brains’ too?”

I whimpered as he forced me against the wall, his accomplices crowding around, smelling me, salivating uncontrollably under the notion of being fed. “You humans know shit,” the last word was yelled with such power I thought the mere utterance would break me in half.

“P-please!” I tried to scream, but all that escaped my lips was a mangled whisper.

“Too late sweet cheeks, c’mon guys, dinner time.”

I felt their teeth rip into my flesh, the ringing in my ears taking hold as I let out the most wretched blood curdling screams that had ever passed my lips. I felt my own blood dance against my skin, the pain shooting through my veins as the bites got deeper and deeper.

Then I fell.

“Shit! Hunters!” the words rang in my ears as I heard the sounds of a powerful engine rip up the streets. “Dump her, dump her!” another of them yelled. My body was shaking uncontrollably. All I could do was whimper as I felt the venom climb around my system. It burned. Oh God, it burned.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2012 ⏰

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