Girls with past problems

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Hey guys I'm so sorry the first chapter was short, it's wasn't intentional, I'm new at this whole writing skills thing and I know this isn't the best. I'll try better this time. Feel free to leave comments I love talking to you guys anyways pretty little liars is back tonight and I can't wait!! (Btw if you see mistakes please tell me and I'll fix them. Thanks for reading and enjoy this chapter x G

"Oh my god alex will you let me go now?" Maggie said pouting

She had been struggling from Alex's grip for 15 minutes and still hasn't broke free. Alex had her legs tied around Maggie's Waist tight and Maggie's arms were pinned above Alex's head.
Maggie continued you struggle until she gave up or at least she wanted to tell the DEO agent that she had given up but then Maggie thought, what cop gives up?? Cops never give up because they have to be strong for the job that they do.
Maggie has to deal with people dying in front of her and her cops friends being shot straight in front of her. But for Maggie it wasn't being strong for her job and life in general that kept her going.

it's was this crazy woman that was pinning her down, the one that Maggie has fallen in love with. Alex is the one that keeps her strong everyday because no matter what happens alex is their by her side and not once has alex said that she is walking away or walked out of the apartment door from Maggie alex would never hurt Maggie.
In fact it's the opposite they know that they love each other and it's clearly always shown.

I guess it's shown by alex holding Maggie in a tight grip?

"Are you going to let go of me now"
"please babe" Maggie said with plead in her eyes 
God alex loved this girl

"Fine.. but"
"But what"
"Aleeexxx" Maggie whined
"But what??"
"But only on one condition.."
"Okayy and what is that condition?"
"That... you cook dinner tonight and I get to pick what we eat, do we have a deal sawyer?"
"Yes Danvers we have deal, as along has I can get out of your grip because I really need you to call your sister and the Luthor because I'm not spending today with just you or you might trap me in another tight grip" Maggie said frowning

"Aww come on Maggie don't get like that... Im just teasing you"
"You do it to me.. it's no different"
"I know. God why do I take things to seriously"
"I bet being a cop doesn't help?"

Maggie raised an eyebrow at alex

"Of course it's doesn't Danvers, especially after you know my umm.. parents.."

"Yeah I know I'm sorry Maggie"
"It's okay, we all make mistakes babe
we just have learn from them"
"Guess your right"
"Yeah i Guess I am also I think it's time you called Kara, see if her and Lena want to come out with us"
"I will go do that now sawyer" alex said getting off of the couch.

Alex walked over to Maggie and grabbed Maggie by the waist. And kissed Maggie with so much love. Maggie thought that she was in some sort of dream or that someone had killed her and this was her heaven, it was too unrealistic for Maggie.
Alex pulled away first but Maggie didn't want it to end but it had end. like everything else in life..

Good things had to come to an end

And that kiss for Maggie was just... wow she would never, ever get tired of kissing this beautiful woman in front of her because alex was hers and she belonged to alex and that was one other thing she knew she was sure about in her life, is that alex Danvers is the one for her

"Now im going to call Kara" she said with a smirk now playing on her lips

Maggie was breathless... this woman drove her crazy
And alex wouldn't stop possibly until her last dying breath

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