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I ran pushing  leaves and branches out my face; as sweat and rain dripped off my forehead mixing with my tears. I kept looking behind me making sure no one was following me and also making sure I couldn't see that devilish place that I had called home for 16 years.

As long as I could remember my parents had never wanted me, nor did they fake like they wanted me. They didn't have to. I'm pretty sure everyone knew of it though. My mom and dad were never actually planning on having any kids , but at the age of twenty-two my mom fell pregnant with me. My father and her discussed that they didn't want a child so young so they decided on a abortion. My mom went threw the abortion but it never worked. When they asked the doctor for another appointment he told them the possibility of my mother not being able to have another child was not very likely if they went threw with it so she decided to caring on with me in her tummy. The day I was born I was small too small actually and still am to this day. My parent didn't like that and were told of my possibility of not living pass one years old. But I did. That didn't even seem to mind my parents, for they didn't want a weak child and my family refused to let them give me away. So... they kept me. From the first day they carried me home till I was four they were very lovely to me; they did everything a lovely parent would for their child, but when I turned 5 thats when it all started. First the hugs and kisses stopped. Second they stopped tucking me in at night. Third they stopped playing with me. Fourth they stopped helping me. Fifth they stopped loving me. Sixth they stopped feeding me. My food from when I was 5-8 consisted of whatever they hadn't ate from their nights out. When I turned the age of 8 they told me that I was of age to cook and clean the house and that if it wasn't done I would face the consequences. Though it didn't matter to them if I did it or not I still got the consequences.
Sometimes I would lay down in my room think about how I wished I was still too young to do chores or too young to understand what they were saying. My room wasn't even a room at that; all it was, was a ripped up twin mattress that laid in the corner of our cold basement. The same basement that was my fathers " man cave" was located. The same basement he watched his movies. The same basement he would drink and smoke in. The same basement he would get drunk and high in. The same basement he would watch me in. The same basement he would touch me in. The same basement he would beat me in. The same basement I would scream in. The same basement I would cry myself to sleep in.
I had thought of countless of times of ending it all. To run away from it all, but then where would I go; who would save me? Who would protect me from them? Who would protect me from the cruel world. Who would tell me it's ok? Who would tell me that I am safe. Most of all who will love me!
The day I decided to end it all was the day my mom fell pregnant with my little sister. I was sitting their plates done for them to eat when my mom told my dad the news. We both looked at her to the pregnancy test to her again, I couldn't believe it!

" How could you possibly be pregnant when we haven't had sex since.... since we had her!" My Dad fired ferociously, while looking at me with disgust clear in his eyes. That is true though. My mom hasn't been pleasing my dad....I would know from all the times he would drunkenly say how my mom isn't pleasing him while touching me in the process.
Every time my dad would ask her how she got pregnant she would tell him she saved some of his sperm and shot it up her with a turkey injector. I never believed her though because I knew that she had countless of men coming into the house when my father wasn't home.
I could also hear everything they did from the walls and doors being so thin and old.


" Sweety would you like to hold her?" A kind nurse with dark long curls and tan skin asked me; with a very bright smile.
I shook my head no as I kept looking at the small fragile baby wrapped up in my mothers arms. My mom was looking down at her like she was the best thing in the world but I knew it was all an act. My dad had made me wash up and patch up my scars and bruises as he told me my mom was having the baby. He also told me to act like I had something to live for or how much of a happy family we were.

******6 Hours Earlier *******

"I better not hear a peep out of you, do not look at anyone and don't speak to anyone; do i make myself clear?" He said

" Y-yes sir"

" Pull up your damn shirt I don't need anyone to see what's mine!" He growled at me. I quickly pulled at my shirt. I didn't want anyone to look at my chest, especially not my father. I wasn't dumb, I knew I had big breast and hip. But I hated it. I hated that I was small and had all those things. I didn't think it fit my body. And I didn't like how it attracted my fathers, nor did I like how it attracted my moms guy friends.

"Come on, so you can see your sister." My dad smiled. I quickly looked down because I knew from the look in his eyes that he wanted to hit me or lock me away for even just responding to the nice lady, but he knew that he had to put on the act for everyone to think we were a perfect family.

I stood on my feet still not used to standing, especially with the pain that I was so used to but still effected by shooting up my body.  My dad shoved me near my mothers side as she held a small bundle in a pink soft blanket. The small fragile child eyes immediately opened and looked straight at me. It frightened me because of the simple fact that it was like she felt me there, and all she did was stare at me. Even when my mom tried to coo and get her to look at her all she did was look at me. My mom quickly started to realized that and told my father to get me out the room. As he pulled me out by the arm roughly the small child started to wail and a sense of protective went threw me as I tried to fight my dads arm only to have no use against his strength.
****************At Home**************

I snuck passed my mom and dad passed out on the couch as quietly as I could, without making a sound or damaging my body more then what my dad already had when we got home.
I knew my mom had stopped putting all of the bad stuff in her system when she fell pregnant, but I also knew she couldn't handle not taking them. Though I was glad that the baby had came out healthy when she fell pregnant, with all of the things she was putting in her body before she knew she was pregnant.
I slipped threw the kitchen and packed the babies formula and bottles in a bag, and slid out of it as quick and quiet as I came. I had been planning on running when I turned 17 but when I found out that mom was pregnant I knew that I had to at least stay till the baby came.
I crept upstairs to the babies room and grabbed her bag from the closet and stuffed her clothes in it as neat as my shaky hands could. I carefully picked up the baby and went downstairs and slipped out the house. I almost cried and joy at actually being able to pulled it off but quickly started running when I heard the alarms. My parent might have been to waisted to notice that they left the basement door unlocked and me un-cuffed but I'm sure they wouldn't be clueless to figure out that I had escaped. Tears started forming in my eyes as I heard their shouts and feet running after me.

I clutched the baby closer to me protecting her from the leaves and sticks that were scratching my arms. My parents screams were no longer heard but I knew that they had headed for the car, but little did they know they wouldn't be able to reach me. I had snuck out to the bank while they were gone at work and got all of the money that my dad had in his secret bank account that he thought no one knew about. But for him to have that much money I wondered where it even came from it was at least four-hundred thousand.Which was enough for me to get me and the baby settled.
I buckled the baby in who was surprisingly still sleep and threw her bag in the passenger seat. Quickly putting the keys in the engine and driving off.

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