Chapter 1

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 Life has been tough for me. I never get the chance at anything. I just watch, listen, and observe as things are taken from me. I am okay with it. It is life. I just hope this fresh start will change that. I must become a new Violet.

School is going to start today. My fresh start. I am hoping I can get my two partners to become death scythe. I look out the glossy dew window to see DWMA as I sigh. It's raining. I jump out my bed to look over to my school outfit.

"I can do this."

I straighten the bow on my outfit and pat the dust off of the sides. I walk to the bathroom, turn on the lights to see my pale face, no emotion. My raven black hair looks like a rat's nest, all over the place. I grab my purple brush to straighten my hair as I stare into my empty, violet eyes. Then, I take two hair ties from my hair accessory box. Pigtails, my favorite. It what keeps what is left of my child-like self.

After five minutes, my hair is ready, I smirk. I walk out the bathroom and as I turn off the lights my partners run up to me. Sheeka and Misty, my sisters. Sheeka is the hyperactive gleeful sister that always is curious with the stupidest things, but adorable. Misty is quiet like me however, she can get mad at the stupidest things. She is also adorable. My sisters are the only ones that kept me alive as I have kept them stable. I hope they are ready for the fresh start.

"Good morning. Are you guys ready to start at the new school and meet lord death and be part of EAT class? It will be a lot of work so I hope you guys are prepared for it. I also hope you guys are prepared to meet our classmates." I hugged them both as we walk down stairs as we continued to chat.

"Of course I am!! I can't wait to meet our professor because I heard he likes to dissect things. I bet you're excited for it too Violet. You were always fascinated with dead things!!"Sheeka smiled at me.

I smirk. She does have a point. I love dead things, you can learn so much anatomy from dissecting. Ever since I was a child, I love to poke and take apart dead animals. I wanted to learn how they move, how they function and see if they related at all to humans. However there was one thing I can't learn when things are dead, their soul. The soul is the most important part of any animal. That is why I was so grateful when I found out I was a meister. I could learn about souls. Thus, everything is more fascinating when it is alive.

We go downstairs and sit at the table for breakfast as Misty talks. "I can't wait to meet all the famous at DWMA. From Maka, Soul, BlackStar, Tsubaki, and most of all, Death the Kid."

I smile at her comment. "Me too sis, me too." 

Sheeka got up from her seat to get the coffee and croissants she prepared for us. As she handed out our food, I look at the time as I nibble on the croissants and sip my coffee. "It's 7:15...CRAP! We got to hurry or else will miss our orientation at 7:30!"

We devour our plates, grab our backpacks, and dash out the door. DWMA was exactly 15 minutes away, we had to run or else we will be late for one of the most important days, orientation. We needed to know the layout of the school, our teachers, but most of all, our classmates.

I ran so fast, not even realizing I was running on the huge DWMA stairs, I had to get to orientation so I can learn and take notes on my new path. I took a quick look to see my partners were right behind m-


All the sudden the wind was knocked out in my soul. My head was throbbing in pain. I felt weak. My sight was blackened. But then, reality came back, everything was bright. I looked up slowly and saw a pale face with bright golden eyes; staring at me with awe and amazement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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